
Huang Ji

For the rest of the night, Hong Zhao was entertained in a banquet in his honor. There was so much meat, he knew it would take all night to sample each kind. There was also vegetables and fruit he was familiar with. He had appreciated the small reminder that this world wasn't as different from his as he originally thought.

The meat however was not from a fierce beast, so he wouldn't have the cultivation boost he was used to with the shadow panther meat, yet it was still satisfying. He would throw small scraps to the floor, which was immediately lapped up by Shadow. The rumbling purr could be felt through Hong Zhao's body as his friend laid on his feet.

During the feast, Li Wen asked many questions about how Hong Zhao had survived living in the forest for as long as he did. As he was asked, Hong Zhao shared every intimate detail of the life he had made for himself, yet he didn't say anything about Lan or the treasure she had given him.

The festivities continued until Li Wen excused himself to his chambers, then the Li children walked Hong Zhao back to his courtyard and wished him a good night.

He slept more peacefully than he had since he first came to this world. Shadow slept on his feet, giving him extra warmth. This night he slept a dreamless sleep, finally relaxing for the first time.

The night crept by slowly for the child in the guest courtyard. Before he could have what seemed to be a pleasant night sleep, there was a loud knock at the door down below. He opened his eyes and looked out the window to the starlit night.

He quickly put on his clothes and tied his hair before slowly walking down the steps with a grumpy shadow panther in tow. The knocking continued as he made his way to the door. "Get out here you beggar!" He heard a familiar voice yell from the other side.

Hong Zhao activated his vortex thrust just in case. Small currents of air could be seen making his robe sway at the bottom. He then opened the door just as a fist slammed to it, sending the fist towards him. Instead of stopping it's approach, the fist gained momentum as it sailed through the entryway. Hong Zhao swiftly side stepped the fist and pulled the culprit inside. "Can I help you, young master Huang Yi?" He said in a slightly groggy tone.

Huang Yi took a moment to collect himself. How did this young brat dodge his punch so easily? He even looked half way asleep still. Shaking it off, he glared at Hong Zhao. "You didn't go to the Village Elder's estate when you first arrived in Rantori Village." Huang Yi accused him. "My grandfather takes much disrespect to this. He has told me to come fetch you." A small smile appeared on his face. Hong Zhao could tell he was enjoying this.

The older boy went to put hands on Hong Zhao to pull him out of the courtyard, but instead met Shadow. He pulled his hand away just in time to notice that the shadow panther had long since taken his usual spot around Hong Zhao's shoulders. "Sorry young master," Hong Zhao said with a smirk of his own. "Shadow can be a bit territorial of that spot."

Huang Yi turned around and waved for him to follow. "Whatever, just follow me and let's get this over with." As they left, Hong Zhao saw Li Wen at his balcony with Li Wei and Li Wuhan. His face was not as friendly as before when he looked in the direction of the young master.

As they exited the estate, Huang Yi and Hong Zhao were surrounded by eight guards. Three to each side and one to the front and rear. Hong Zhao remembered many national leaders which had the same treatment in his old world, yet it seemed like an over excessive show of power for such a small village. He suppressed a small chuckle as they walked the streets of Rantori Village.

Hong Zhao knew exactly what kind of person this young master was, so he kept his vortex thrust on a slow burn as they walked. The only thing one would notice was a small gust of wind at their feet. As he assumed, a crowd began forming in the streets watching the procession to the village elder's home. Most faces he saw were sad or defeated. Others had a look of pity, and a select few smiled wicked grins, pointing at the young master and laughing slightly.

Hong Zhao caught Huang Yi smiling slightly and prepared himself. Even looking forward, the seemingly naive child dodged a foot that the young master put in front of him. The dodge frustrated Huang Yi slightly, but they continued their walk.

The young master tried a total of twelve times to trip or halt Hong Zhao to humiliate him in front of the crowd. Either trying to trip him from the rear, which Hong Zhao seemed to jump forward quickly and avoided, causing the young master to lose his balance, or bringing an elbow around to knock the young boy over, only to encounter a shadow panther's waiting maw. When Huang Yi recoiled from the panther, or was tripped in an attempt to trip Hong Zhao, the snickering from his friends had ended, and laughter instead came from those who were oppressed at first.

Getting frustrated with his predicament, Huang Yi picked up the pace and finally stopped trying to humiliate Hong Zhao. "You may be a little clever, but that won't be enough to stay here." He said under his breath to the boy.

"Young master, I don't understand what you mean." Hong Zhao lowered his head slightly in respect and kept walking. "I mean you no disrespect, I just figured if I ended up tripping, I might hold up my meeting with your grandfather." He gave Huang Yi an apologetic smile. "I don't want you to get in trouble with your father due to my inability."

"We have yet to see exactly the extent of your inability." Huang Yi sneered at Hong Zhao who didn't seem to understand. Why exactly was he being singled out? He noticed the older couple who had been walking in front of them on the road to Rantori Village and wondered if they too had to deal with this trek to the elder's estate.

They walked for three minutes until they reached a large seven story building at the far end of the village. Hong Zhao instantly understood the need for such a structure, yet at the same time slowly shook his head. The village itself had large walls which guarded from an outside invasion. The walls only had one opening which was at the very beginning where the entrance was. If there were an invasion, the invading force would have to go completely through the village in order to get to the village elder's estate. Having to go through civilian after civilian would slow the force down, giving the elder and his family time to escape through a back door which probably led outside the village walls.

Hong Zhao smiled to himself. By showing their power, they also showed him their weakness. He was looking forward to seeing what exactly this village elder had to offer him.

A guard from both the left and right went past the entourage and opened one door each leading to the inside of the estate. After Huang Yi had passed through, they quickly regained their position, leading them to the stairs.

They climbed every flight of stairs to the very last, which led to an intimidating set of double doors. They were polished red oak with small carvings of battles long past in them. As the guards opened the double doors, Hong Zhao was greeted by the sight of thousands of books. His eyes lit up in pure astonishment. These books lined a grand shelf behind a singular desk. Each book didn't have a speck of dust as far as Hong Zhao noticed. Though, if he looked at one carefully at the lowest row, he could see dust underneath which couldn't be swept away. A mischievous thought crept into the young spy's mind. He had found where the back door was. It must go do a back stairwell which led to a tunnel. After he gained some power, he might think of showing this village elder and his grandson some humility.

"What exactly are you looking at?" An old gruff voice sounded in front of him.

Hong Zhao met the eyes of an old man with long wavy hair as white as snow. This had to be the village elder. "I Apologize, Elder Ji." Hong Zhao bowed deeply to the older man. "I just have never seen such a collection of books before." He let his childlike wonder show as his eyes sparkled at the many books. It was just what he needed to get an upper hand in this world. How could he change anything if he didn't know the history he'd be trying to change?

Elder Ji grunted his understanding. "It has taken a lifetime and a half for me to collect all of these. And much more time to read them." His smile gave Hong Zhao just an inkling of how old he might be. "Just as many of these books, I can at most times read people as well." He gave Hong Zhao a knowing look. "I can see a scholar when I'm looking at one. You have hungry eyes for one so young."

"Incompetence is the way of fools, my lord." Hong Zhao smiled as he gazed at the books once more. "If one is to get an upper hand in this world, he must horde the knowledge of what he wishes to get the upper hand on."

"He understands it!" The elder boomed with glee. "Much better than my useless grandson here. The only power he wields is that which he takes from me." He looked disapprovingly at Huang Yi. "Yet you can't pick and choose your successor."

Hong Zhao only kept eye contact with Elder Ji. To look at Huang Yi was to goad him into fighting. The less attention he gave this young master, the less others would look to him if something were to happen to him. "I wish to apologize for having not come here first, your lordship." Hong Zhao bowed deeply once more. "Your grandson would be able to vouch for my state of undress upon arriving in your grand village. I did not want to introduce myself with panther fur and twigs in my hair. The Li family has been kind enough to feed me and clothe me, they even went as far as to give me a courtyard while I cultivate."

"That was indeed kind of them." The elder mused as he looked at Hong Zhao. "For Li Wen to take such an interest in you," He looked at the baby panther around the young boy's shoulders. "You must have done something quite profound."

"This humble one does not wish to take fame where fame is not requited. I was only at the right place at the right time to help his children." Hong Zhao smiled at the thought. "It was I that benefited more from the encounter. Now I am two friends richer than I was before."

Huang Ji laughed at the young boy playing down his role. "You are quite humble indeed. You also seem to have a very sharp mind, and know when to use it! I would like to mold that mind of yours if you'd like."

Hong Zhao saw the old man take out a storage ring and started to put books within them. "Yes, I think this will do." He tossed the ring to Hong Zhao, who caught it with one hand. "I want you to read these books, then come back and tell me what you think of them. When you are finished, you can request more from me."

Hong Zhao was taken aback. How could two relatives be so different? He had come into the estate thinking that he would have to beg and plead to stay, yet the opposite had been true. He now had some of what he came for, and didn't even need to look for the secret entrance to the estate to get it. Though he would make a mental note to look for that entrance anyway. This elder was much too kind, maybe he could return the favor one day.