


The second worst thing to ever happen to homeless people Update: currently in Canada for studying purposes

2019-06-07 JoinedVietnam



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  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to TwiliDarkRituals

    Probably? I'm remaking this novel in a new form so I suggest you don't spend any coin on it

    "With all due respect, Charles-sama… Isn't it true that marquis Rosewood has sent many nobles to the gallows? As a result, distribution was delayed in many territories, thus nobles had to invest their own funds to settle the disorder. Naturally, nobles without territories were unaffected!"
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to Luminescentreader

    Thanks I'll be posting soon

    Ch -1 Introduction
    Layers of identity: uncharted shadows beyond destiny
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to The_Anime_Gamer_7929

    Thanks I'll be posting soon

    Ch -1 Introduction
    Layers of identity: uncharted shadows beyond destiny
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to kathil12

    No it's not some parts a modern some are not also I'm reamaking this novel so you probably shouldn't spend any coins on this version

    Ch 6 Chapter 6: the Silver household (part 2)
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to Okojus

    Also I'm remaking this novel so you probably shouldn't spend any coins on it, I'm already writing the new version

    Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum sed mi a tortor hendrerit eleifend. Phasellus hendrerit nisl vitae orci fermentum, vel dignissim velit pellentesque. Fusce sit amet nisl non elit posuere feugiat. Maecenas luctus mauris eu orci egestas, in gravida lacus tempus. Suspendisse potenti. Sed eget massa id elit malesuada cursus. Integer id ligula nec nisl sollicitudin sodales. Quisque facilisis velit a odio vestibulum, nec congue elit bibendum.
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to Okojus

    Heh sadly I'm not that smart

    Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum sed mi a tortor hendrerit eleifend. Phasellus hendrerit nisl vitae orci fermentum, vel dignissim velit pellentesque. Fusce sit amet nisl non elit posuere feugiat. Maecenas luctus mauris eu orci egestas, in gravida lacus tempus. Suspendisse potenti. Sed eget massa id elit malesuada cursus. Integer id ligula nec nisl sollicitudin sodales. Quisque facilisis velit a odio vestibulum, nec congue elit bibendum.
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to Okojus

    Thank you for your support and I am sorry

    Ch 143 Anouncement
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to The_Anime_Gamer_7929

    still working the latter out, as for the former well I'll just be rewriting events and add more characterization, how "different" it is depends on the readers

    Ch 143 Anouncement
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to RayanArcadia

    Sorry I appreciate your support as always and thank you

    Layers of identity: uncharted shadows beyond destiny
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to The_Anime_Gamer_7929

    Remaking it as said in the chapter so the former

    Ch 143 Anouncement
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to The_Anime_Gamer_7929

    Yes I've posted a link to it in this announcement. Sorry and thank you for your support

    Ch 143 Anouncement
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to Pick_me

    Thank you and see you once my remake of this novel is out

    Ch 143 Anouncement
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to Manga_Reader_01

    See ya I've already started writing the remake of this novel so please look forward to it and thank you sincerely for your support

    Ch 143 Anouncement
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to Monsieur_Failure

    Yes I think although my patreon has not been used in a while might update it later

    Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/is-it-ok-for-to-77318433?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to sumwale

    Sure whatever but his other half isn't as innocent as you think

    Markus thought, genuinely repulsed by this sight, maybe it was because a part of him use to live in a modern and civilized world but even the normally cold hearted Markus wouldn't dare think of enslaving another sentient being, that is just a line he refuses to cross. He views slavery as an unnecessarily crime, to him, crimes like slavery and r**e would bring him no or very little benefits and would only be detrimental to him in the long term. So he looks down on the crimes like those because he views them as completely unneeded.
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to sumwale

    Professionals have something called standards and rules cause as said in John Wick "without rules we live with the animals". Also the situation hits close to home for him cause he's technically enslaved to the shadow government.

    Markus thought, genuinely repulsed by this sight, maybe it was because a part of him use to live in a modern and civilized world but even the normally cold hearted Markus wouldn't dare think of enslaving another sentient being, that is just a line he refuses to cross. He views slavery as an unnecessarily crime, to him, crimes like slavery and r**e would bring him no or very little benefits and would only be detrimental to him in the long term. So he looks down on the crimes like those because he views them as completely unneeded.
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to Groyt

    True it could’ve been a lot better, I loved Yozora tho

    How about "Lux"? It means "light" in latin...yeah let's go with that I ain't spending all day thinking of a flashy name...something simple and easy to remember would serve as a fine alias no need for all that cringy "form over function" bs.
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to pemburu_pulsa


    Like a machine designed to accomplish a task, I emotionlessly answered Rouche's attempt to wake me up. Usually I would put on my "young noble lady" facade when interacting with people in order to more easily carry myself through society in my everyday (spoilers: socializing is suffocatingly BORING. It's like a daily d*ck sucking contest to see who can become the best a$$ kisser around…god popular people and people of great influence are fvcking r*tarded it's like the more influential they are the dumber they become…but I'm getting off topic) but after I found out about Rouche's true origin I didn't really think it'd be worth the effort of pretending to be a nice girl anymore.
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to Groyt

    Yeah that's one interpretation, there are a lot of symbolism that I put into this

    How do I know? Markus' crest in game had the image of a throne of shattered glass with an all seeing eye perched atop of it sitting in a luscious field of vibrant pastures, a snake was coiled into itself "sitting" on the throne it's appearance was equally as lifeless as the snake in my crest, the snake and the eye is the most noticeable similarity with my current crest but that's where the similarity ends, the snake on the throne of glass has a collar and a metal chain attached to said collar something the snake in my crest lacked and the eye on top of the glass throne is different from the eye on top of the tower on my crest in that it looks like a normal eye with both a black pupil and white sclera unlike it's counterpart which was consumed in a vantablack silhouette making it look more like a shadow over the tower rather than an eye.
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest
  • cier_Tempest
    Replied to Groyt

    Yes it is

    My crest bore the appearance of some kind of tower...the higher you go up the tower the thinner the floors were which made it look kind of similar to a wedding cake. At the very peak of the tower laid an entirely vantablack eye with no visible white schlera and a stream of unknowable colors orbiting said eye. Coiled around the tower like an overgrown vine with it's head peering down on the left side was a serpent of unknown length it's eyes soulless and dead. On the right side of the tower was some kind of feline beast that looked similar to a panther trying to claw it's way up the tower's height, unlike the serpent on the opposite side of the tower the beast trying to climb to the peak had eyes filled with a determination unseen in it's counterpart. 
    Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?
    Fantasy · cier_Tempest