


Spend most of the time in dreamland, but highly obsessive and workaholic in doing certain tasks.

2019-05-22 JoinedPhilippines



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  • ImaginativeSince98

    If a man like him confuse me, disregards me, treats me like a doll, and his family hates me, I'll rather die early or run away to find a genuine man who will treat me right. This FL is such a doormat with low EQ. How tiring to read.

    Ch 29 The dilemma
    The Billionaire's Sick Wife
    Urban · Angelica2511
  • ImaginativeSince98

    who doesn't want a gay friend ah?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Just as he was feeling puzzled, he saw that Su Ji not only did not give up, but this time, she pulled his hand that was holding the phone and placed it over the QR code. She said without missing a beat, "that's great. We can be sisters in the future!"
    Master Pei's Wife is a Devil Concubine
    General · Mr. Gao Ren
  • ImaginativeSince98

    good for the dog. our's shi tzu can't even empregnate the girlfriend we bought for him.

    "Stop making more money. You can't spend all the money you've earned. Mr. Wang's dog just gave birth to thirteen puppies. You're almost 30, and you're still alone!"
    Master Pei's Wife is a Devil Concubine
    General · Mr. Gao Ren
  • ImaginativeSince98

    I'm still freaking pissed at Mo Hanlu and Ian but moving on..... I WANNA READ ABOUT MO TIANZI AND HIS PRINCESS!!!

    Ch 152 Mo Hanlu's "REAL" Wife?!
    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101
  • ImaginativeSince98

    Don't tell me that somehow, Ves's design spirit didn't just occupy mechs but also occupied the Prophet's clone (that has no spirit?) and now a real Prophet awakened?! 😂😱

    Ch 1909 Damning Decree
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ImaginativeSince98

    nothing is more trustworthy against Ves's paranoia huh 😂

    Ch 1907 Not Alone
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ImaginativeSince98

    As I've understand neural interface in this story, safe or nor it would still damage a human brain as long as the mech suffered hard damage. I believe that Ves's design philosophy itself can somehow change this and help pilots not only in connecting but also protecting their minds (maybe Ves can learn this somewhere a long the road). I remembered that most of the Expert pilots in this story has formed solid spirituality which enables them in transcending into a higher realm. If Ves's mech, which has spirituality that most pilots lack, can somehow shield the minds of his pilots from harm (phisically or spiritually), wouldn't it strengthen his pilots in combat? Pilot A + dead mech (with safe neural interface) VS. Pilot B + living mech (with lower safe guard neural interface but powerful spirit backer).... Who do you think would win? Maybe we will find out soon.

    Ch 1862 High Capacity Model
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ImaginativeSince98

    Oh Ves. Gut feelings are a lot safer to trust unlike this girlfriend of yours that do nothing but control you for her benefit

    "What's her problem?"
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ImaginativeSince98

    Ves's head ballooned. Before, he trusted his gut the most. Now, he can be easily manipulated by some rich girl. How disappointing.

    "You make it sound like the Rim Guardians will exploit me or take advantage of me. I don't think this will be the case. From what I've hear, my relationship with the Rim Guardians can be as equitable to the one I have with you. Both of us can gain something out of this cooperation. While the Rim Guardians are admittedly more powerful, they don't really care about individuals such as me. As long as I work within the constraints of their rules, They shouldn't treat me unfairly!"
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ImaginativeSince98

    Glorianna manipulation 101

    Ves the Man
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ImaginativeSince98

    This is why freaking hate this Glorianna x Hexer! Ves is such a Virgin boy, that a spoiled rich girl can easily manipulate him?! Where did the ever paranoid, one man show character with the Mech System go?! Under the b**** skirt and drunk in perfume?!

    Ch 1831 Change of Heart
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ImaginativeSince98

    Ves, you idiotic 30 year old virgin... This is gonna bite you in the ass after a hundred chapters, I believe

    Her silky touch and her warm body temperature quickly sent a surge of pleasure through his body!
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ImaginativeSince98

    We all know what happens to characters that betray, imprison, and scheme at Ves ya know 😂

    Nonetheless, she wasn't in the mood to contradict her boyfriend at this point. She worked so hard and made a very huge sacrifice to make amends with Ves. She wasn't willing to press this matter any further.
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ImaginativeSince98

    I like how the country (I'm a local so yeah) is described. It isn't comparable to other stories that happen in big countries which was refreshing. I like the shut in MC (Can relate to him... and sometimes I think he has an INFJ personality like I do because of his introverted intuition, quiet observation, has an arsenal of learned skills, effective social skill when needed and good prediction) I also like how the book is progressing but I have one concern.... Why are all the important characters around MC women? Like, I am a girl but that number or women around him kinda weirded me out like I get it, man is introverted... But don't tell me no sane, level headed, and smart guy would not be interested enough to be his friend to follow him or a young mutant boy to be dependent on him like the little calm girl did. I like the book so far (I reached chapter 50) but all the female important characters around him are a bit iffy for me.

    Sci-fi · Exallion
  • ImaginativeSince98

    Been like this for two years now. Haha😂 Novels, animes, movies, anything entertaining online is life!

    "You see, I immerse myself in the plot and eagerly wanting to finish the story be it be Anime, Light Novels or Video Games. There, most anime had stories that were not concluded easily and novels even more. I needed to wait for the stories to conclude or I won't be satisfied before dying. Well, in summary, it's just Escapism."
    Sci-fi · Exallion
  • ImaginativeSince98

    I think this is the prelude to Ves's worst nightmare 😂

    "Suppose.. this is true, then it's not wrong to pursue him." Brutus gruffly admitted. "We'll have to intensify our observation of him and dig deeper in his history. As long as my sister is right, we can't lose an asset as valuable as him to the Fridaymen or some other beneficiary. The Hexadric Hegemony must secure him at all costs!"
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ImaginativeSince98

    Oh my, casting magic is like memorizing a long freaking poem and reciting it in battle. It would be funny to see an old mage rapping in battle just to cast his spells faster 😂

    After all, if it had been any other mage, you would hear them chant, "Fairies of the Wind. Heed my call: fuse, morph, set. Bless thee with the name of Frost and freeze thine foes in blood and bone thus to bring the deadly cold to the land…"
    I Am the God of Games
    Games · Green Pepper Bat Donburi
  • ImaginativeSince98

    amen~ 😄

    As an ending to his invigorating speech, he smiled softly and said, "O Master of Games, grant us new life."
    I Am the God of Games
    Games · Green Pepper Bat Donburi
  • ImaginativeSince98

    I want this to happen in real life. lol 😂

    O Master of Games, Grant Us New Life
    I Am the God of Games
    Games · Green Pepper Bat Donburi
  • ImaginativeSince98

    I don't want Glorianna and her State to stay with Ves but damn, virgin Ves included Glorianna in the Larkinson Clan! I wished he didn't! I wish, just like the Vandals arc, this Glorianna/Hexer arc would be a distant memory after hundreds of chapters from now. I don't want Ves to be trapped in this second state. I would rather be excited if the first destination the Larkinson Clan traveled to is the Viscious Mountain (Where the coward William came from so we can somehow see his growth) and design mechs their. I don't want Ves to be involve with the Hexers to much because they would look down on him and his designs (no matter if its a hit or flop) or worst, he would just be some random 'boy' Hexers would enslaved in a design team. I hate Glorianna and her State. But I accept Calabast because her interest isn't that focused in the State. I love novels with mechs. I also like lovestory novels but this? A virgin male 30 year old who bends under a female who believes that males are dogs to train ins't that appealing to me as romantic.

    Ch 1808 The Larkinson Mandate
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor