


My name is Brandon Gould and i am the writter of the Tylingariea Epic as well as the creator of the Tylingariea Multiverse. I am a up and coming absetet artist who lives in virgina

2019-04-27 JoinedUnited States



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  • Brandongould94
    Brandongould944 years ago

    This is brandon gould the writer of the Tylingariea Epic and thank you to all who have read and reviewed this book. I have entered the Webnovel Spirngry contest and am working on my entry Born of Flesh and Flame so if anyone wants to check that out please leave any advice that you can give me in reviews or comments of the book thank you Brandon Gould

  • Brandongould94
    Brandongould944 years ago
    Replied to Mel_Aniv

    Thank you for the Review i am glad that you enjoy it

  • Brandongould94
    Brandongould944 years ago
    Replied to The_Mad_Titan

    Thank you for the review i am glad that you enjoy it

  • Brandongould94
    Brandongould944 years ago

    This is a very good book so far it reminds me of the Percy Jackson books the story is well written and i was hooked when i read the first chapter. this is a very interesting story and i will contue to read it to see what happens later

  • Brandongould94
    Brandongould944 years ago
    Replied to Easy_Tiger

    Thank you for the review i am glad that you are enjoying it so far

  • Brandongould94
    Brandongould944 years ago
    Replied to LordSputnik

    Thank you for the review and for the advice, the book is in a phase of editing and i have also started back writing on it. so this is not the final version so i hope that you will continue to read the book

  • Brandongould94
    Brandongould944 years ago

    This is a very interteing and compelling story, the first several paragarghs do a amazing job at setting up the world and the envierment that the story takes place in. and the danger that the world presents the pacing of the story is a good speed and the writing is very well written i will be sure to contue to read this story and any other following chapters

  • Brandongould94
    Brandongould944 years ago
    Replied to Limpin_Technocat

    Thank you for the review, i hope that you will continue to read it and tell as many people that you want to about my book

  • Brandongould94
    Brandongould944 years ago

    hello my name is brandon gould i am the writer of the Tylingariea Epic and am responding to a Review Swap I am enjoying the story so far it is well written , the chartors are well written and the world is unique and the pacing is going at a good speed. i will be sure to read the rest and contue to look forward for more of this story

  • Brandongould94
    Brandongould944 years ago

    Hello this is brandon gould the writter of the Tylingariea Epic i am responding to a review swap I very much enjoy this book it is very well written and i like the concept. it is very well paced and i would love to see more chapters of this book. i will be sure to read them if there are more of this book. the way the chartors are decspied makes each of them feel unique and from the prologue i could get a sense of what the world was like that you created good job

The Last welder of the Blade Demonsong

This is a prequel book to the Tylingariea Epic that is set before the King Eljis death and focus on the last welder of the blade Demonsong Ryi'june Nine Hundred and sixty-seven years ago before the time of the Chosen of Tylingariea and the Death of King Elji. there was a period when King Elron Dra'ghoul the father of Elji ruled over the land of Tylingariea in the city of Nevermore. Somewhere in the Forest of Kings, the hevay breathing of a young El'taree woman fleeing for her life carrrying a small bundle wrapped in a tight blanket. She stopped as the trees closed in around her and ahead of her was a tall figure he wore a dark red jacket and black dragon skin pants his hair pulled back, he looked at her with a dark and mencing glare " Give it back to me, Child!" He cried out black fire arching from his fingers the girl clutched the bundle close " no, it does not belong to the likes of you." the Figure fuming with anger cried out " Give me the Al'leka or i swear you will die!" the girl did not respond but only placed her hand on the bundle and channeling a massive amounts of Kyi into it. she created a golden arch around the bundle covering it in a gold light in a instet the bundle was gone from her hands she fell to the ground gasping for breath " it took a large portion of my Kyi as well as my Life Force to cast that teleportion spell but it was worth it." The Figure sreamed in anger as black fire flowed from his fingertips engulfing the girl "You foolish girl do you not understand what he is and what power he has! the girl stood up weakly and said " yes but it does not belong to you." the girl smiled sure in her victory and fell to the ground and died.

Brandongould94 · Fantasy
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