


dude who enjoys isekai system novels and system fuckery

2019-04-15 JoinedIreland



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  • Nospacess

    So far so good! Can't wait to see where we go from here :)

    This book has been deleted.
  • Nospacess

    I've read up to the current non-premium chapter - 49. If these things change past this, then take the review with a grain of salt.The writing.The writing itself has a decent flow most of the time. There is good imagery at times, but often it feels like it's being overdone to appease certain types of people. There are a decent amount of issues when it comes to typos, repeated words and misspellings. Not that it feels like a translated novel or anything like that, just that it's clear that either it needs to be reviewed an extra time or two before publishing, or to be reviewed at all. I do not believe the author to be making these mistakes because they lack in skill. Even with all of that, the story is written quite well, and I can say honestly that it is above most books on this platform by a landslide.The world and characters.The world is amazing. I love the idea of a post-apocalyptic world trying to scavenge the pre-apocalyptic world of usable tech and resources. The cryptid idea is cool and has so so much potential. Of course it still has flaws in it's design and they're very apparent, but it's easy to immerse in the world itself and forget about them momentarily. The biggest flaw is that there are nearby towns and cities that have clear markings of being scavenged, raided and looted - but they still have things like plastic. Plastic was depicted as being incredibly important to the economy and yet there was heaps of trash containing plastic. I do not believe for a second that they could get to an area so full of loot without making an even more distant and dangerous journey. There is also the military. Sure large bodies of powerful people gather cryptids, but by that logic powerful people could not ever gather as they would attract monstrous titans. Cities supposedly stop this because of the concrete being good energy mufflers. So if that were the case, then powerful military units would cover vehicles in concrete, cities would be amazing for powerful humans which isn't the case in the story. Instead they cannot hide together in a concrete building because of the supposed attraction of cryptids.There are other issues with the world, but with how interesting everything is, it is easy to forgive. The characters themselves stay in character for the most part, but there are certain times where their reactions do not make sense for how the world was portrayed. It started off seemingly serious and dark, but has turned into some weird lust comedy. Every woman is the most beautiful woman with the most... ugh.. it's incredibly repetitive and cringe. Also, for the incredible intelligence Urial is supposed to have, he sure has 0 foresight. He knew about the military taking people to get traits, but somehow never thought of getting a job to fund this. Never thought of getting a job to fund any part of his supposed poor life, never thought of making his own life easier by getting disposable income. Nearly every college student in real life thinks about getting a job so they can survive the day, especially if they don't come from well off families. There are more character flaws that don't make sense, but up until chapter 49, they were passable and didn't completely ruin my time reading the story. Though I did have to do a double take when he said that Luna wouldn't be interested in going to the secret excursion. That was the most out of character thing Urial would have said, and it also made zero sense. In fact it's the whole reason I am writing this review.To sum it all up, it's a great story with incredible potential. The characters for the most part feel different and fun. There is always some sort of mystery around the corner to lure you into reading more - which is wonderful! Please continue writing and improving. I believe you can do it, and you have shown lots of potential in the interesting world you have created.

    Dungeon Raider System
    Urban · NanaiSensei
  • Nospacess

    How would she not be interested?? She's literally trying to get as much info as possible about any and every cryptid... That's just stupid

    "It's fine, I don't think she would have been interested in coming anyway. So, what was that about the fountain of youth?"
    Dungeon Raider System
    Urban · NanaiSensei
  • Nospacess
    Replied to oceansmith

    I'm so glad you're gonna continue writing! I saw you hadn't uploaded in a few days and I got super worried! I genuinely am looking forward to the updates for the story :)

    Fantasy · oceansmith
  • Nospacess

    A few spoilers, if that is an issue don't read ahead. Firstly, it is difficult to give this novel a true rating since it only has 14 chapters at the moment. I felt it necessary as a few things irked me already. There are a few spelling errors, a few grammatical issues and something that made me roll my eyes. Author, could you not have chosen a different word to call these "powers". Why did you choose the same word as My Hero Academia and call it quirks? These are genetically modified traits. There has to be something better. Then there was the issue with 18k years of history. What you covered was essentially 20-50 years of history. If you were only going to cover that much, you should have at most put them 100-300 years into the future and tell us that due to the increased intelligence by the "Quirks" allowed humanity to advance even faster. Even through these issues, I do genuinely feel there is a lot of good potential here. If you'd revisit these chapters and think hard about what I've pointed out, I'd give it 4-4.5 stars. So keep doing what you're doing, and I'm sure you'll do great. My review isn't meant to discourage you from writing, just to be more conscious of the things you put down.

    Fantasy · oceansmith
  • Nospacess

    I like the concepts, but I just cannot get over how poorly written it is. I don't know if this is a translation, or if the author isn't a native English speaker, but the broken idioms and phrases really take me out of the story. I wish I could have gotten past chapter 5, but I couldn't stand the writing anymore.

    Starsign Lord
    Fantasy · Pandirom
  • Nospacess

    It was an interesting idea at the beginning. There were some interesting concepts but they all felt too immediately useful. There was no suspense, as you could immediately see the way out of every situation. The power of imagination is too open as an ability, as there are literally zero scenarios in which Eliot could lose even against much more powerful magicians. Then there was the complete character breaks that happened around chapters 45+. Complete and utter smack into the readers face. Also those super uncomfortable and forced "sex" scenes completely turned me off the book entirely. There was so much non-consensual stuff happening with Theo, who was 17 btw, that I just couldn't keep reading. Good idea ruined by a horny author.

    Awakened: Evolving to Godhood
    Fantasy · Crimson_ink
  • Nospacess

    Mmm toast those termites

    Ch 823 New Toys (935)
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Nospacess
    Replied to ImmortalAutarch

    Sorry bro, I just gave up smoking. I was writing and smoking at the same time, and it's taking me too long to adjust to write without smoking. It's stressing me out with the new job where everyone smokes, so I'm a little ****ed up rn. I promise you a new chapter is coming this week. I haven't dropped it and haven't stopped thinking of writing!

    Ch 79 79 Traps In Traps
    Mana Star System: Soul Rebirth
    Urban · Nospacess