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  • ma_rui

    congratulations on 5k chapters! exlor, you easily made the best novel on this platform. mech touch is currently my religion. thank you so much for creating this wonderful piece of art! !

    Ch 5000 The Return of the Immortal Goddess
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    Gloriana definitely will try to aim to make masterwork mechs as standard when she become Senior

    Gloriana looked shocked! She was deeply familiar with his design philosophy and theories, so she knew how significant it was to be able to make a third order living mech on demand!
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    i think he could disguise his living mech subject as something like 'introduction to psionic power or manipulation'. it could work

    "I can't forget about my greatest strength. Living mechs… how the hell am I supposed to teach that in a classroom setting?"
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    it's wild that ves never really apply any job applications or goes to interviews. the only time he works under someone were forced inscriptions during bright-vesian war. this is is the first time for him to actually goes to job market as applicants. we all know he won't get anywhere near by trying out lucks. he needs to use his networks.

    Ch 4971 Possible Teaching Subjects
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    Master Willix and Master Olson if he is in the mood to try. and probably Hexer Masters would gladly give them all.

    Ch 4967 Collecting Letters
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    how he gonna connect with Alex Streon's granddaughter now? does the Newcastle University has a branch in Red ocean? or maybe the New terrans party has built his own state/territories in red ocean and he willl hired by one of its newly establish university?

    Ch 4966 Booming Sector
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    time to contact CFA.. seriously, when he gonna establish contact with Sigrund? it's been awhile since his ascension.

    The problem was that he and his clan obtained all of their spatial interdiction field generators from the very same Association!
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    2 decades top

    When Ves thought about his habit of developing an interest in all kinds of random research topics, he wasn't too sure whether he could advance to Master by the time he became a century old!
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui
    Replied to Izuchukwu_101

    it's repeatedly mentioned that black cats are not on the same level of state's level intelligence institutions. the larkinson can't best the technological infrastructure, facilities and R&D of a state. intelligent departments are depending so much on the advancement of spying technology.

    Ch 4946 A Negotiation Between Two Women
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    here is my theory:The Kingdom of Mechs exist because of the uses of 3 scroll, Metal, Wood and Fire scrolls. it doesn't make sense that this contruct only created by the metal scroll, since the compact have both water and earth scrolls, they should be able to make their own versions if that's the case. there is a reason the wood scroll is never heard of again, my guess the wood scroll is eaten or sacrificed as the main ingredient. it is the main reason that enable normal human to evolve to become 'gods'. Wood is the element of life. the ancesion of human life from mortal to gods are their works. machine by itself can't help to evolve human. It's also the reason why the ingredients of life prolonged treatment are the brains of expert/ace pilots. their evolution of life are from the wood. while the metal scroll as the production machine and the processor or frameworks how the ascension work. then the fire scroll works as the energy to fuel this whole construction to work. it goes with our story about so far, the MTA and CFA only control the fire scroll while the wood scroll is totally gone or destroyed, while the metal scroll shattered in pieces and goes missing. also my theory is that Ves' mother is the Adept of the Wood lineage, not Metal. she somehow attain a piece of metal scroll during the whole conflict. so Ves actually from wood lineage, that's why his main actually life energy.

    Ch 4958 Punishment & Contribution
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui
    Replied to Silent_But_Dudley

    nah, i think the Kingdom of Mechs is not solely created by the Metal scroll. if not, the compact should be able to make their own version with both water scroll and earth scroll in their possession. the metall scroll might be the main processor, but it probably use wood scroll as the ingredient and fueled by the fire scroll. there is a reason the life prolonged treatment ingredients are made from the brains of expert or ace pilots. remember the life ingredients are mostly from Wood elements. this theory goes with what we know so far; the wood scroll are destroyed, the metal scroll gone missing, while MTA & CFA retain the fire scroll.

    Ch 4958 Punishment & Contribution
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    basically star deigners and god pilots are 'artificial' primodial humans, with god pilots focus on the body while star designers focus on the mind/spirits. the kingdom of mechs are spirit based dimension. god pilots transform all their spirts with their wills to have 'primordial body'. while star designers evolve their spirits to primordial spirits and have acces to kingdom of mechs. my guess both of these ascensions could not form complete primordial human, but they're both could reach extreme end on just the body or the spirits, strong enough to content against the 'weaker' primordial humans. i think the current universe couldn't produce truly strong complete primordial humans yet, that's why the cultists still waiting for their real powerful 'Gods' to come for salvation. a.k.a truly powerhouses of the primordial humans. the current primordial humans isn't capable to attain their final form yet

    Ch 4957 The Secret of Apotheosis
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    he doesn't know that the Compact is essentially only have the water lineage that operate actively in human space. the earth lineage is being inactive while the leader is in atonement. only 2 lineage left on the Compact, and 1 of them is already strong enough to content against both MTA and CFA.

    With around a hundred god pilots and Star Designers taking care of this collective treasure of humanity, it sounded extremely unlikely that the Five Scrolls Compact could tear it down.
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui
    Replied to DemonLord_OTRT

    too optimistic. 2000 chapters minimum

    "I did, but that is not a reason for mech designers to permanently remain attached to a state that no longer provides as much assistance to their future growth and research." Olson said. "It is not forbidden for us to hold selfish desires. The people of our profession seek to make progress, and if we cannot find it in our home region, then we must look elsewhere."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    it would be more cost effective if they send a high tier expert pilot who on the very brink to become Ace pilot and commission ves an expert mech on the level of Mars' to help the ascension. and they could also be those who are not have the surname of the matriarch dynasties, so they can permanently be part of the GSA. of course include more spy divisions to the package.

    Ch 4946 A Negotiation Between Two Women
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui
    Replied to Pronoobity

    professor refers to Senior. he means he was much faster and younger becoming Senior than the other Professors.

    "How is that possible?! Isn't he supposed to be a third-class bumpkin?! How in the cosmos is he able to become a Senior faster than all of the professors at the Davute University of Technology?!"
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    it's onvious Duhallan project is more important. but i think he still should choose to superpublish the Ghost project. he have more ways to finding path to improve the blood system, but he stumbled upon brick wall on the first class stealth system, he was punching way above his weight on this one he needs help. while with the blood system research, he could still improve it on his own

    Ch 4929 Demand for High-Quality Skulls
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui
    Replied to Kixtia

    he could only do it once per year, right? or the new updated system able to do more by paying AP? if only once then i think it would goes to the ghost project, since it's more complex.

    Ch 4926 Enriched Understanding
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    how about his other projects? shouldn't he finishes the commercial mechs first before the expert mechs? expert mechs should take longer, right? is he only focused on expert mechs and postponed the easier projects?

    Ch 4926 Enriched Understanding
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ma_rui

    real cultivators body remains. Immortal's bones. i'm calling it, at least one of Ves' children(most likely the last) would be a base human without any augmentations. and he will cultivate organically and transcend into complete human or immortals using the knowledge that ves completed. and most likely the kid will be left behind on his own in some backwater place and thus creating his own story, Mech Touch's sequel with immortal Cultivation as its main theme with sci-fi background

    It had grown into a spiritually reactive material in a completely organic fashion!
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor