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There is absolutely no fucking way, the mom gender bent mephisto with the contract is crazy 🤣
Nope in this context sense it’s Ida we’re talking about, he prolly thought bros character-personality was gonna be upright and good sense he’s a martial artist and all, but also *more of you is expressing that he expected more of this man’s character and how he behaves acts, *more from you expresses he expected more of a speech, or better *call out altogether sense ida loves low-key insulting people with his intellect haha
Thank you, this was getting hard to read bro, just focus on getting better and you’ll make it, I made a seriously rude comment on a couple of you chapters, but as long as your working on it, I’ll be here to read it and again my bad for the mean comment I was having a bad day and might’ve taken it out on the story.
Hey author so fun fact, there are only 2 types of born killers in the world, psychopaths and sociopaths, sociopaths have basically no emotion and psychopaths have outbursts of rage, that’s why sociopaths are the perfect killers because their calm and collected, where as the most brutal murders ever committed were by psychopaths
What if there both your girls ? Harem?
All I gotta say is if you think that will work Mr.Invincible in one episode takes a shotgun round to the face and body, pickle is a pre-historic humanoid who fought with t-rexes and got bit by one which only left a scar around his body, just saying bro you ain’t doing shit with that shotty
Prolly got f’ed if were being honest it’s Zeus were talking about here
Honestly in my opinion this story is shit, I mean you give him a dungeon in the beginning, make him train there, give him ownership, literally kills the boss in the most bitchass way possible, and then upgrade his dungeon, make him wanna stay in his dungeon, and instead of building on that; such as making his dungeon expandable, or him creating a kingdom in there, or even making it like one of those bad Korean mangas with the dungeon breaks and shit, like there was so much you could’ve done with the idea but you completely scrapped it, your ass.