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Now that Turles-ahem, Lord Turles, err King Turles now has complete control of the Planet Trade Organisation what’s gonna happen to the Crusher Force? Cause the Turles Force doesn’t sound as good and having them as bodyguards seems pointless. On the side note at least Turles can finally brag to Princess Vegata now
Turles next chapter —> Goes to Earth with King Cold and Frieza —> Beats up Vegeta and Trunks to establish dominance —> Destorys King Cold and Frieza to establish dominance —> Beats up Goku to establish dominance and making sure his reputation isn’t being ruined —> Refuses to elaborate —> Leaves
Thanks for the amazing chapter again as always, even though power levels pretty much mean nothing I would love to the base power levels of Turles, the Crusher Force and his kids and compare it to others
Thanks for the chapter gets my blood pumping as always, while it is sad to see Cooler die on the plus side at least Frieza won’t be alone in Hell
Thanks for the chapter, would be a cool idea if Cooler joined Turles’s Crusher Force as a hidden ace, simply injure Cooler enough for him to be unconscious then put him in a medical Coma till you can either find the Big Gete Star which Naba can hack or find Earth and “learn” new skills from Babidi after all a fruit amped Cooler would be terrifying.
I must say I’ve been enjoying this story much so far and it’s been keeping me on the edge, I espically like how the MC acts almost like Turles if he was canon (Finding loop holes with Zenkais, cheating for power gains and being very deceptive) which I would find hard to imagine most Saiyans are which makes Turles more special. At this point of the story I can imagine the MC being forced to make critical decisions such as if he wants to escape Cooler and survive which will result in him being branded a traitor, killing Cooler and hopes no one finds out which will be hard considering Frieza knows he possess a threat to the Ginyu Force but his arrogance might over blind him or my favourite him defeating Cooler (More likely to end in a stalemate unless SSJ) allowing him to live but joining him with the express purpose of over throwing Frieza and once Frieza and/or Cooler is wounded from their fight for power, Turles kills them and takes his position as Emperor of the galaxy.
Pretty sure the Author of Overlord stated somewhere that the sister’s were sold by their parents due to Arche’s death and not being able to pay off their debts, they did die from being “overworked” but it is implied that they were mostly likely used as pleasure slaves so…
So in other words Kyoka Suigetsu has been nerfed to become a high level Genjustsu (At least B-A+), interesting idea and the problem can be easily resolved by using Bankai or if the only way you can ‘resist’ Kyoka Suigetsu’s effect is by having at least EMS, Rinnegan or Nature Chakra, and by ‘resist’ I mean that the one’s who are effected feel like somethings wrong or off (ie: When Yhwach realised he lost track of time the first time he speaks to Aizen in the Muken.) but that’s just my opinion.