"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them." Laurence Binyon
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Beautiful rendition. Vulkan shall return!!!
Boring wish fulfilment novel. Cant really get into it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One of the worst copies of a novel Ive seen -1. One of the worst copies of a novel Ive seen -1. One of the worst copies of a novel Ive seen -1. One of the worst copies of a novel Ive seen -1. One of the worst copies of a novel Ive seen -1. One of the worst copies of a novel Ive seen -1. One of the worst copies of a novel Ive seen -1.
I like the Idea of this novel with its game background. Id like this to be Translated, as its one of my two favourites out of Global Online Survival and this one.
I love this type of survival novel, Although it has started getting boring, the use of this almost Raft-like novel with trading and other things, with everything but the World Background seeming interesting Id like to see this novel translated the most out of all of the novels in this trial.
Although uncreative in the department of World Background or Character Design, It seems like it will have a unique Story development, and the Translation Quality is well done. Hope this one gets translated at some point.
I genuinely like this novel, entirely because of its unconventional use of "Attractiveness". The biggest thing about this book is its Light-hearted nature, which can be seen at the start of the book, which I hope continues on. This is one which I like but takes a backseat compared to Starting from Fooling the Elderly, Online Game: I possess a monster merging simulator, or Global Survival Online. Those 3 being the ones I would want to be translated completely the most.
Personally this is one of those sleeper stories which I believe will be a goos read. ,.........................,.........................,.........................
This book is great. The Boa is cute, The setting is interesting. I really hope this book gets chosen for continuation. I want more cute tamed creatures!!!!