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OK but thats just Korra, Aang couldn't do that, Roku couldn't do that, Kiyoshi couldn't do that. Though the MC is supposed to be a super talent so i don't know, but not really lazy
So if you end up in this verse with powers to stop thousands of deaths you wouldn't? y'all edge lords corny
Not really u doubt he will ever touch any important document expert for some symbolic signing, he’s just a figurehead. He did get lots of money from the village though.
Always the dark Hiruzen theories
Why i feel like this chapter has so much AI written vibes, ive never got that before. Anyone else notice?
I'm confused at first i thought he was a broke artist, then sunspot says hes a famous artist, and now again they say he's broke. Is wally a famous artist, if he is why is he struggling to make money?
Bro there’s night shifts for a lot of jobs, straight thinking it’s prostitution just tells me about your character.
i miss the old upload schedule, its like im getting scraps rn. Tftc!