


Hi, I'm Shiro! I love to read and write. It has been a little while since I last updated this. I hope that my new readers and old reader continue to enjoy my books. I will keep trying my best!!

2019-01-02 JoinedCanada



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Slave to the Darkness

The world belongs to the humans but what they do not know is that in the dark hours of the night there is a slave market that happens in the woods. No one knows about it except those that are wealthy and pay a fee for the membership. As the slave market moves from town to town, finally they reach its destination where they call up the buyer letting him know that they have arrived with some intriguing goods that he might be interested in. The slave that was bought from the Slave Market in the middle of the night was taken to her new home by her first Master. She feels safe with him but doesn’t remember anything from her past and doesn’t know what secrets lurk in her mind. The Master that bought a new toy thought since she was what he was looking for. He hoped that she would last longer than the rest but what he didn’t expect was the past to come back to him after a hundred years without it. With his new memories he softens up but only for her as she is now his everything, he will stop at nothing to protect her and help each other remember their past together. Excerpt "Just who do you think you are? I will get you thrown out of this area if you continue to loiter around here. I was just having a chat with my soon to be man when you interrupted me." The girl pointed at Yuki blaming her. "Darling, were you going to pick up someone else when you already have me by your side?" Yuki turned and pressed her body up against his side. She rubbed her chest on his side to show that he was hers. "You know that I can not replace you, Liliana. I was only telling these ladies that they couldn't have the purse that I specially ordered for you." He moved his hand to her ass and squeezed. The ladies looked embarrassed for a moment. "No, I will get what I want. I want that man and that purse!" The lady screamed and her face turned beet red. Yuki turned her head over, "you can not control someone's feelings. You can not compare to me in any way shape or form." Yuki turned her head away shapely. "Oh is that so. THEN I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BEAUTY CONTEST!! There is a competition for the queen of the beach today and if you win I will leave you alone and bow down to you but if I win I want that purse and your man!" Cover is a commissioned Product and all rights belong to me and the artist that created it for me.

Shirokitsune · Fantasy
325 Chs

The Artful Match

Brielle is one of the few female hunters at the association. Dealing with useless trainees every six months, she has a low tolerance for bullshit. She no longer believes in love, and nothing will change her mind after what happened to her. She believes that the only thing she can love and trust is her job, where she helps protect the defenceless by killing those who use their abilities to get everything they want. Hunting is a thrill that she enjoys more than life itself. Having a minimalist life, the only thing at home she cherishes is her painting. A vampire that refuses to choose a partner for his sister. Ketan will do anything to protect his loved ones, even kill those that threaten his livelihood. Usually, he is calm, gentle, and collected. He stays hidden away from everyone when he does not want anything to do with individuals until the day he is captured and locked away in a dungeon. After that moment, his life changed for good. Cursing the blood that he drinks, Ketan fights against the pull of drinking more blood from the person that donated the blood. An Excerpt from the book: Brielle throws her arms around Ketan’s neck. “I was so worried about you. I did not know what you were going to do or if you would survive.” Ketan smiled and accepted her hug. “I am sorry for worrying you. I had to do what needed to be done. Besides, I knew that this was going to happen and be as painful as it was.” Brielle starts sobbing in his embrace. “I think that you should take what you need from me, Ketan. You will not be able to stand the bloodlust soon… will you?” Pushing her away before losing control. Ketan moves away from her weakly. “Stay back. I am not in control of myself right now. You should not even be here right now. Leave me alone!” Ketan holds his hand out to stop her from coming closer to him. “I can hear your pulse racing; it’s deafening.” “You were fine a moment ago; now you are you pushing me away, Ketan? I can help you.” Brielle leans down towards him and gently pulls him into her arms. “No, stop. I can’t control myself, and I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to you. I am not a sedated beast; I lust for every drop of your sweet blood that I hear pumping through your veins, but I must resist. Otherwise, I will harm you in the worst way possible.” Ketan pushes her back and teleports deeper into the cave. “Stay back before I begin to acquire a taste for your blood. It is a deadly thing to tempt fate once again.” Brielle continues to walk into the deep dark cave towards him. “Ketan, I trust you more than I have trusted others. I know that you will not kill me. Just look at how fearful you are right now.” She finally reaches him again. Crying, Ketan grabs her from behind, sits her in his lap. One arm wrapped around her waist, the other in her hair, pulling off the right exposing her neck. Slowly he lowers his lips to her neck, licking the surface testing the flesh. His fangs rest at the hollow of her neck before carefully breaking the skin. He starts to drink her blood deeply, but as he drank, he slowly stopped and lifted his face up, crying while holding Brielle against his body crying. Blood leaking from the bite marks while some drips down his chin. Her body was being held up by Ketan, and her eyes were now closed. Her body seemed lifeless in his arms. She started to slide forward as a deadweight. Ketan catches her and holds her princess style in his lap, rocking back and forth. Crying fresh tears.

Shirokitsune · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Love is a Sweet Poison

Finding true love is not an easy thing. Especially when your parents ask you to go to marriage interviews. You worry constantly and need to take Daily vitamins to be able to help your weak body. This is what Amelia's life is like. She dreams of falling in love, maybe setting her eyes on someone and knowing that he was the one. Next in line to take over the Hospital Gabriel is stuck going to arranged meetings in his spare time but honestly what spare time does an eighteen-year old medical student really have? He dreams of the one that is always matching his scores and his eyes are drawn to her even if she doesn’t notice him. Will fate allow him to be with her or will his parents tie him down with someone else. How will their love story pan out? Will they be forced to marry someone that they do not care for or will their parents' cave and let them fall in love and live in bliss? A glimpse of the story ahead: Amelia walked through the field that was full of flowers smiling and was chasing a child that was no more than two years of age. The child was giggling. The child had stopped and picked a lily. He turned and ran back to Amelia. "Mama! Flower for you!" The little boy handed the flower over and smiled.  "My, what a good boy you are. Thank you for your gift." Amelia took the flower and placed it in her hair.  Gabriel walked over carrying a girl that was also two years old. "Mama!" The little girl started to squirm in Gabriel's arms trying to get to Amelia.  Gabriel laughs happily and lets the girl down then watches her run to Amelia. He walks over and kisses Amelia on the cheek. "I can not believe that we had two beautiful children. Your illness hasn't spiked back up has it, my angel?" Amelia smiled up at him sweetly. "No, not as of late." She rests her hand on her belly and smiles up at Gabriel. "But I do not think that our twins will mind having another sibling, What do you think my love?"  Gabriel's eyes light up. He picks her up and spins her around. "When did you find out and how did I not know about it??"  "Just yesterday. Kazuki is the one that diagnosed me. I never thought that I would be strong enough for this and yet here we are." Once her feet are on the ground she hugs Gabriel, rubs her stomach then bends down and hugs the two children on the ground. "Are you two ready to be a big brother and big sister?"  "Mama has a baby growing in her tummy?" The little girl looks up and tilts her head to the side.  Gabriel happily bent down and kissed both children on the head. "Don't worry. You will always be our babies too." 

Shirokitsune · Fantasy
236 Chs