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chaos warriors best type of king guard you could ever get dark elves for crossbowmen an witches lotr elves for archers, dwarves for forging an building breed more ururks could also make a warg pit faster than horses an scares the hell out of them
yeah shes dead but we have dragon balls an no saiyain females left in 7th uni unless you go to the 6th which would be a long while or you could wish for your women to be saiyains or half saiyains. have stronger babbies
ty for the chapter
thank you for the chapters!
is this an au because shouldnt they not know what a glaceon is the only know evee evolutions known during ashs start was flareon, jolteon, vapereon.
ty for the chapter for harem members id like to suggest fasha "bardocks team member" bulma obviously, chi-chi since you'll be rich if you get bulma so gohan wont be useless, mai, violet, launch, and the fighting girl who stripped down in her bra an panties.
clans that could be great for the village, Chinoike Clan, Jūgo's Clan if you can kerb their curse mark, the Kamizuru Clan we need a tracker type plus they have bees for honey, the red eye clan which is a counter to the hygua clan, Kodon Clan they make genjutsu medicine in their bodies could help them make actual medicine in their bodies to be medical nin, could also try to get the Inuzuka Clan or make a clan like them and the last tracker type could be yomes clan people since her Dōjutsu allows her to track from water particles in the air. also the water pirate clan Funato Clan those are the only ones i think you could grab easily to give them better lives than what they got later on the yuki clan as well. if you havent decided on a wife or wives i left a comment about it a senju woman, the sealed uchia girl i forget the last one i mentioned.
id say canon you have Tōka Senju or you could go for the hidden weapon of the uchia clan girl thats sealed Hikari Uchiha both are beautiful an young atm same age as you prolly
team harem but only 3-4
how come he hasnt had children with kuisna yet hes had her for like 3-5 years. Also thank you for the chapter it was wonderful