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Well when you put it like that I guess I need to start reading this again 😂
I have been away from this novel for a long time can you tell me if Arial avenged his wife or not or has his relationship with his daughter improved or not or if he reunites with his other lover and his son??
I have been away from this novel for a long time. Can somebody tell me whether Arial avenged his wife or not or has his relationship with his daughter improved or did he reunite with his other lover and his son???
And that was the reason I dropped this because the side characters seemed more like MCs. I always felt that a guy with an attitude like Quinn can never be a good Vampire. He is like Kaneki in the beginning of season 1 in Tokyo Ghoul. The difference is that Quinn never really grew up.😓
But his character hasn't changed much? He behaved like a very naive and moronic MC in the beginning...
is the MC still a moron like he was in the beginning or has he grown up??
is the MC still a moron like he was in the beginning or has he grown up??
is the MC still a moron like he was in the beginning or has he grown up??
I dropped this one a long time ago because of the MC'S character. Can you tell me if the MC has grown up or not or has his character changed or still the same??