


If I had to be described I would be called an abomination I could elaborate but it would be pretty cringey, just know I don’t like you and I know the truth. Probably dead.

2018-12-07 JoinedGlobal

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    Replied to OOOOOOOOO00

    It’s interesting to read my past comments, it gives me things to study. I can see that I really let myself be too human while claiming to be logical, I had logical thinking but mostly inherited by a past version of myself. I let myself feel as an act of boredom and weakness the usual agony among other things, thus obstructing my thought process by letting my flawed human brain take more power. It’s almost fixed.

    "Sir, I'm curious, why are you taking this approach..." Faora asks in the Kryptonian language.
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
    Replied to wanderor

    Well monsters do not exist, when people call others or themselves monsters it’s just that they are unwilling to admit that the thing that make the person so monstrous in their eyes is completely human and and is completely normal. In others eyes I would most likely be called monstrous, I didn’t do much to earn that title but my thoughts would qualify me, I’m not saying this to be cool or anything, it just is.

    'Am I… a monster?', Evans thought.
    My Hermes System
    Fantasy · Romeru
    Replied to Johnny_Ramey

    You can try making one.

    "Come with me. We shall speak as we walk." The voice added. Clearly, it must come from that skeletal man, although Foster still had no idea how this was possible. But this was the first 'person' that he had encountered here in this forest, so it felt like a good idea to at least try and talk to him for a while.
    Starlight Necromancer
    Fantasy · DiceVR
    Replied to Rabbitt436

    Hey don’t overestimate the little bastard’s intelligence, he obviously repeated a few grades.

    "Teens? What'd you mean? He came out of the club!" The thug exclaimed, and Foster couldn't help himself but groan while taking some steps forward, "You mean the club that illegally lets in even some dumbass middle-schoolers? Open your eyes, you blind bastard. These kids are obviously like 16, 17 years old. 18 at most."
    Starlight Necromancer
    Fantasy · DiceVR

    Beginning by the classic Superman feat.

    As Nolan flew fast over the Atlantic ocean his eyes were scanning...desperately trying to find the Plane that was currently going down. Luckily Nolan was flying high enough that he saw off in the distance a small figure...and upon flying a bit closer he could make out that...it looked like a plane. Thus Nolan increased his speed and flew towards the crashing plane.
    Earths Mightiest Hero
    Anime & Comics · Mightiest_Disciple

    The Omni man suit, not my favorite but whatever.

    "Yeah but...I don't like the look." Nolan said, beginning to think. The Hologram said he could change its design with a thought, and so he began thinking of a design and slowly the suit changed and morphed. After a couple of seconds, the suit stopped shifting and a new suit design was made. The suit kept the red and white color scheme. The collar and neck area were red while having the entire upper body and core area being completely white while having a red line running down from the neck to his lower body. Speaking of the lower body it was completely red, alongside his feet and legs. His hands and partway up his arms were also red. He also had a red cape that hung down to his knees. but the most defining feature was a giant red O in the middle of his chest.
    Earths Mightiest Hero
    Anime & Comics · Mightiest_Disciple

    Just to add some info Argall lived for more than 9000 years before getting murdered, so they live long, at least his bloodline did. Also only matured and trained viltrumites can hold their breaths for 2 weeks, young ones can do it for like an hour. Viltrumites get stronger by training, a young viltrumite would be a fly compared to a trained soldier. Most of it isn’t to correct you author it’s for those who doesn’t know.

    "Viltrumites have evolved to be incredibly powerful. Their physical capabilities are far beyond what any human could ever achieve without technology and most races do not match them in raw power output, as well their mental faculties are many times greater than most races, putting the average viltrumite at a level 8 intellect. Furthermore, due to a complex balancing system located in their inner ears, Viltrumites have the ability to fly, and can even generate their own leverage while in mid-air. This allows us to lift and move massive objects which should be impossible to move. Viltrumites have an impressive lung capacity, allowing them to hold their breath to traverse space for upwards to two weeks before requiring oxygen. As well, Viltrumites are able to go two weeks without water or sleep before needing said sustenance. However, one of the Viltrumite's most defining abilities is their dominant genetics, which allows their genetics to dominate over other species they happen to breed with. As well they have a rather impressive healing factor that allows them to survive injuries that would kill most beings. Another one of the Viltrumite's interesting traits is their natural fighting instincts. Even when untrained, viltrumites due to our heritage are able to fight and learn how to use their powers incredibly quickly, able to pick up intricate fighting techniques and styles after a short period of time. And the best of us can even learn a style while in the middle of a fight. Viltrumites also have Decelerated Aging, which allows Viltrumites to live for thousands of years while remaining in their prime. It is currently unknown how long a Viltrumite can live. Viltrumites are incredibly skilled fighters due to their society and trained to have some of the greatest fighting instincts in the universe. But a Viltrumites greatest weapon is its incredible adaptability. While in previous generations this Adaptability only allowed them to adapt to environments and live in them recently genetic mutations in the DNA of Viltrumites have shown that this Reactive Evolution has begun to enhance, specifically in Viltrumite hybrids. The nature of this enhancement is currently unknown." The Hologram said, and as she said this they watched as the hologram showed off each ability in the order that it was spoken, causing Nolan to smirk as he realized just what he could potentially do. However, he looked at the Hologram as it began to speak once again.
    Earths Mightiest Hero
    Anime & Comics · Mightiest_Disciple

    I don’t care enough about her right now, so maybe build a relationship more before making them go out.

    Now if y'all haven't guessed already Rosa is going to be Nolan's love interest. And right now I am conflicted. Should I have them get together rather early and show the trials and tribulations of maintaining a healthy relationship? Or should I go with the troupe of them not getting together until their out of high school? I will leave it up to you guys in the comments! Anyways, ON TO THE CHAPTER!
    Earths Mightiest Hero
    Anime & Comics · Mightiest_Disciple

    Angel Angle

    "Well, it seems like that hero was all talk...though he did hit pretty hard though." The mauler said to himself as he began walking over to the Officer he was previously interrogating. Just as he was about to reach him suddenly he was tackled. Nolan was not finished as he grabbed Mauler by his feet and spun him around two or three times before letting go and sending the Mauler flying into an apartment building. Now Mauler had been sent right through the Center of the building...and due to the angel that the Mauler had come in from he had hit a lot of support beams for the upper half of the building...which caused the upper half to begin falling, on top of there being people inside.
    Earths Mightiest Hero
    Anime & Comics · Mightiest_Disciple
    Replied to OOOOOOOOO00

    Maybe instead of resilient to mental degradation just a super willpower would be better, because to fight after sustaining injuries like they fight they need to have super willpower.

    Hey guys! So I need to retcon something from the previous chapter! I was under the impression that Viltrumites had enhanced Senses, and while they may be at peak human if not slightly above they are not at the level I thought. (Thank you to terry_taylor for pointing this out) Now until further notice, I will be retconning and not referring to "Enhanced Senses" for Viltrumites. But I want y'alls opinion since I am amping the Viltrumites to fit into DC, did you also want me to give them enhanced senses, leave your opinions in the comments to this post! Oh and one last thing. Starting from this chapter onwards I will be trying to get a chapter out once a week. Anyways, Enjoy the Chapter!
    Earths Mightiest Hero
    Anime & Comics · Mightiest_Disciple
    Nolan looked down the street and saw something strange...a man. Well, a very Buff and tall man who had...blue skin? And a white and black colored costume. Said man was currently fighting and winning against the police as from what Nolan could see, bullets seemed to have no effect when shot at the man. And thanks to his enhanced hearing he could hear the words the man was saying.
    Earths Mightiest Hero
    Anime & Comics · Mightiest_Disciple

    The easiest thing would be to increase their starting strength and increase their potential, which I’m sure you’re already doing, the reactive evolution fits pretty well with the viltrumite set of power so keep it. I would advise to give them some sort of berserk mode, like their adrenaline is some kind of combat drug, maybe increase their sight, not to put it at kryptonian level but at least make them able to see the guy they punched 300km away, not to make fights awkward, maybe increase their healing factor a bit, because having the mc in a comatose for 6 months might be a bit much, and just to be clear about their healing factor it can regenerate eyes and maybe even limbs, the viltrumites that have limbs or eyes missing had been injured when they were under the weakening effect of the scourge virus, Thragg regrew his eye just fine after it got gouged by Battle Beast’s fang, and Nolan regenerated his spine just fine too. You should probably make viltrumites smart, not super smart but smart enough to have developed spaceships, not saying you should make the mc develop some crazy tech, Robot is there for that. Quite frankly there’s not much to add, Viltrumites are great because of how simple they are, so I wouldn’t go on the trope to give the mc every power in the world, because sure he would be super strong at the end but what’s the point of having the mc being a viltrumite if he get the speed force, mastery of ki, a sharingan and a green lantern ring on top of it you know? It’s too much, too many thing make it less interesting, same with story line and characters, too many things happening at the same time make you care less about each one of them, the most important is making the reader care. For their magical resistance maybe give them something like a resistance that can be developed, like if they get hit by enough magic their bodies just rejects magic or something, in the comics I don’t think magic was a viltrumite weakness. For mind control maybe make them resilient to mental degradation, because if they weren’t already resilient to it they would just kill themselves before they reach a thousand year old.

    Hey guys! So I need to retcon something from the previous chapter! I was under the impression that Viltrumites had enhanced Senses, and while they may be at peak human if not slightly above they are not at the level I thought. (Thank you to terry_taylor for pointing this out) Now until further notice, I will be retconning and not referring to "Enhanced Senses" for Viltrumites. But I want y'alls opinion since I am amping the Viltrumites to fit into DC, did you also want me to give them enhanced senses, leave your opinions in the comments to this post! Oh and one last thing. Starting from this chapter onwards I will be trying to get a chapter out once a week. Anyways, Enjoy the Chapter!
    Earths Mightiest Hero
    Anime & Comics · Mightiest_Disciple
    Replied to Chezebrelephaffe01

    What you described is just a worst version of kryptonians, not viltrumites.

    Hey guys! So I need to retcon something from the previous chapter! I was under the impression that Viltrumites had enhanced Senses, and while they may be at peak human if not slightly above they are not at the level I thought. (Thank you to terry_taylor for pointing this out) Now until further notice, I will be retconning and not referring to "Enhanced Senses" for Viltrumites. But I want y'alls opinion since I am amping the Viltrumites to fit into DC, did you also want me to give them enhanced senses, leave your opinions in the comments to this post! Oh and one last thing. Starting from this chapter onwards I will be trying to get a chapter out once a week. Anyways, Enjoy the Chapter!
    Earths Mightiest Hero
    Anime & Comics · Mightiest_Disciple
    Replied to

    I don’t know about that, their powers are really different, like Superman doesn’t actually have super strenght or durability, it’s just tactile telekinesis, a forcefield, while Viltrumite are actually that strong. Same with basically everything else, the whole thing with Kryptonians is that they get their powers from stars, because they evolved to be able to absorb solar radiation as a help to feed themselves, viltrumites are just super life forms from the start, no need for radiations. Really the only thing that is similar between the two species is their appearance.

    Hey guys! So I need to retcon something from the previous chapter! I was under the impression that Viltrumites had enhanced Senses, and while they may be at peak human if not slightly above they are not at the level I thought. (Thank you to terry_taylor for pointing this out) Now until further notice, I will be retconning and not referring to "Enhanced Senses" for Viltrumites. But I want y'alls opinion since I am amping the Viltrumites to fit into DC, did you also want me to give them enhanced senses, leave your opinions in the comments to this post! Oh and one last thing. Starting from this chapter onwards I will be trying to get a chapter out once a week. Anyways, Enjoy the Chapter!
    Earths Mightiest Hero
    Anime & Comics · Mightiest_Disciple
    Replied to Mightiest_Disciple

    No super senses, maybe they can see better but even that was never said, but things like super hearing were explicitly said to not be in their power set in a throw away line in the comics. If you didn’t read the comics I recommend you read them before making a fan fic of it.

    The school bell rang and several minutes later students began to flood out of the school in droves, attempting to get home from this place of learning. Among the crowd walked Nolan, Rudy, and Rosa. Nolan was somewhat distracted by something, though Rudy did not understand what...Rosa had some idea. Nolan had enhanced senses, to an insane degree. It was to the point that if he focused hard enough he could hear the entire city. Because of this loud noises sometimes gave him a slight headache if he wasn't expecting them, such as school bells for instance. However, he was pulled out of his trance when Rosa punched his arm lightly. This caused Nolan to see that he was about to bulldoze right through a fellow student, which caused Nolan to quickly move out of their way
    Earths Mightiest Hero
    Anime & Comics · Mightiest_Disciple

    Robot if he was born in Rex’s body.

    "Uhhh Yes! Thank you, Mr. Nolan! I-I'm Rudolph, Rudolph Connors. But my friends call me Rudy...well if I had any friends." Rudy said, trailing off a bit as Nolan looked at Rudy for a second and smiled.
    Earths Mightiest Hero
    Anime & Comics · Mightiest_Disciple
    Replied to Blankscore
    Played, violated, and then gradually slipped into the abyss of hell.
    Marvel's Superman [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · BingeFics
    Replied to Love_venerable

    It’s like if I had to make it clear that casting a fire ball is pyromancy, it’s obvious and redundant.

    IMPORTANT: Give me suggestions for super OP powers no weak shit. This fanfic will have a real OP MC, like he will smack around Superman and anyone in his way to become more powerful. So yeah, give me super OP powers from DC, Marvel, and any world to be honest. However I don't want anime powers since they are weak when compared to superhero worlds, but you can suggest some if you want. Also pick a System for MC, something like from Solo Leveling or even Magus of Warlock World can also be into suggestion. Just any OP power in general. Again MC will not be Superman, he will be a OC reborn into Marvel/ DC world.
    Marvel Super God
    Anime & Comics · GhostyZ
    Replied to Diveon123

    All knowledge is meaningless and useless.

    "Just keeps getting more and more complicated," I sighed, dropping my head into my hands before I heard the floorboards outside my room creaking before the door started to creak open to show the nun from earlier walking into the room with a tray of food.
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    Movies · Big_Monke
    Replied to Ashtin_Pratt

    Is it that hard to write I’m correctly?

    My body jerks and seizures uncontrollably jerking around the table im strapped too. I can hear the buzzers going on in the back ground but its useless to my current predicament. I thrash around as my muscles tighten and my skin starts cooling down.
    Viltrumite In Marvel World
    Anime & Comics · Ashtin_Pratt