
Chapter 2: An Average Day

It did not take long for the teen to reach Reginald Vel Johnson High School, and when he did he quickly landed in a deserted alleyway, which was a block away from the school. Though he did not just land here just because he didn't want anyone to see him...OH no, there was a second reason, and that was because someone he knew was walking by all by herself.

The young teen with impressive stealth slowly snuck up behind the female before quickly tapping her shoulder, causing her to jump slightly as she turned around rather quickly. Upon seeing who it was she smiled a bit and proceeded to hit the young teen with her backpack.

"Nolan! Para de hacer eso! (Stop doing that!) Just because you can move faster than a speeding bullet doesn't mean you get to sneak up on me like that burro! (Ass!)" She said, laughing a bit while she scolded her friend. Nolan on the other hand simply walked next to her after getting hit by her backpack and put his hands in his pocket.

"What? Rosa as I like to say, with great power, comes great responsibility...to prank the living hell out of people!" Nolan said, letting out a hearty chuckle as he wiped his black hair out of his brown eyes. Honestly, Nolan did have some attraction to Rosa. She was attractive, but not overly so. She had beautiful and long Red Hair and Sky Blue eyes. And her more tan skin was also rather attractive as her face was dotted with a few freckles..

"oh, Vamos Ahora Nolan. (Oh come on Nolan.) That definitely does not sound right. I know you can use your powers for greater things than pranking people." Rosa said, lightly nudging his shoulder with her own.

"So invincible, where were you today? Weren't you supposed to walk with me to school?" Rosa asked, which caused Nolan to sigh and hang his head low.

"About that...I kinda got carried away...ya know flying through the city. I won't try to make an excuse for it...I'm sorry. Can I make it up to you? Maybe getting some coffee after school?" Nolan asked, receiving a playful punch to his arm from Rosa in response.

"Well, I should call you a Criminal Tranquilo (Smooth Criminal) for that one. But ok Nolan you win. It's a date." Rosa said, giving Nolan a kiss on the cheek which caused Nolan to blush a bit, and from what Nolan saw it was the same for her.

"Now Vamos invincible (come on invincible). We don't wanna be late for class or Mr. Lancer is going to give us lunch detention!" With that Rosa grabbed Nolan's hand and began pulling him as she broke into a jog. Nolan chuckled at her nickname of invincible, but it was kind of accurate as he had never really been hurt in his life.

--π“π–πŽ π‡πŽπ”π‘π’ 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑--

In class Nolan sat, twirling his pencil between his fingers as he half-heartedly listened to today's lecture by Mr. Lancer, the homeroom teacher. It was a lecture on the wonders of history and how we should all become history majors in high school, and while yeah History could be interesting, the stuff they studied in class was anything but interesting. It got to the point where Nolan was basically damn near asleep. Unfortunately for Nolan, this was when Mr. Lancer decided to call on him.

"Mr. Grayson. Would you like to explain to the class why the Nazi Forces lost World War Two? I am sure you were paying attention so you should know the answer." Mr. Lancer said, having a look of mild annoyance since he believed Nolan was not paying attention, and while no he wasn't he still knew the answer.

"The reason the Nazis lost World War Two was because of a lack of productivity of its war economy, a weak supply lines, the start of a war on two fronts, and a lack of strong leadership." Nolan replied, which did catch Mr. Lancer off guard, but he smiled a bit at Nolan and nodded.

"That is correct Mr. Grayson...I am glad you were paying attention." Mr. Lancer said, though before he could continue teaching the bell rang, which meant everyone began packing up since now it was lunch period.

"Remember everyone! You have a presentation on the war status of one country during world war two due in two weeks! Make sure you get it done!" Mr. Lancer said while watching everyone file out of the classroom.

As Nolan entered the lunchroom he scanned it rather quickly, seeing Rosa at a smaller table. Nolan walked over to said table and sat down across from Rosa, who looked at him and smiled.

"Ah, well well well! If it isn't Mr. Invincible himself. I am honored that El Todopoderoso (the almighty) has decided to grace me with his presence." Rosa said, the sarcasm in her voice causing Nolan to roll his eyes.

"Hahaha...very funny Rosa. So, how was 2nd period?" Nolan asked, which honestly he kind of wished he hadn't as Rosa began going on a rant about one of the girls in her 2nd-period class.

"Alright, so this coΓ±o (Cunt) looking Perra (Bitch) decided that she was going to put some Maldita (Damned) gum in my hair, which mind you, I am not sure I got it all out. I got so mad that I nearly la noqueΓ³ (knocked her out)." Rosa said, pounding her fist against her palm as she looked rather fired up and pissed off.

"Well, I can understand the anger...but violence isn't the best solution, why not prank her instead?" Nolan asked Rosa, but before she could reply there was a sudden commotion in the lunchroom. This caught both Nolan and Rosa's attention as the two looked at each other and then stood up to go see what was going down.

In the middle of the cafeteria it seemed a Jock-looking man with blond hair was in the midst of harassing a kid who in all honesty looked like Urkel, you know that new show that came out on ABC. Well to say that it was not looking good for the kid was an understatement as the Jock continued to push him around, even pushing him into one of the tables before grabbing his collar and reeling back his fist.

"What's a matter, Rudolph? I'm sure you can science your way out of this mess!" The Jock asked in a backhanded way, all while Rudolph was cowering and was at his mercy. The Jock suddenly attempted to punch Rudolph, but his entire arm stopped. The Jock looked to see who stopped it and his jaw hit the floor as he saw standing right off to the side of them Nolan Grayson.

"Grayson! What the hell do you think you're doing! Let go of my arm you freak!" He shouted, attempting to free himself, and while none of his attempts would have normally even moved Nolan's arm, he had to pretend like his hand was being forced to move by the Jock.

"Oh quiet Bart." Nolan said, pushing Bart backward who fell on his ass. Nolan then took the time to help up Rudolph from the ground he was now on after falling due to Bart being forced to let go of Rudolph. However, Bart stood up and looked at Nolan with daggers.

"Dammit, Nolan! Are you looking to start something??" Bart said, attempting to get up into Nolan's face. But Nolan simply sighed and looked at Bart.

"I was simply trying to prevent you from bullying someone...now unless you want this to turn out like last time I suggest you leave." Nolan said, his voice getting dangerously low as Bart flinched for a second. However, Bart slowly began to chuckle, before breaking into a full-on laugh.

"You're really stupid Nolan...if you're talking about how you 'Broke My Hand'. Everyone knows I simply hit the locker instead of hitting your stupid face!" Bart said as he continued to laugh. Nolan rolled his eyes as Bart had broken his hand trying to punch Nolan in the face a month ago...but most people simply believed that Bart hit the locker instead of Nolan as they were so close to the lockers and Nolan's face didn't even budge or show signs of damage.

However, Bart's laugh quickly stopped and he looked at Nolan for a second more before scoffing.

"This isn't over reindeer!" He shouted before stomping off. Nolan then looked around at the crowd before he shouted.

"WHAT?!?! THIS SHIT IS OVER!" With that, the crowd quickly dispersed and Nolan looked at Rudolph.

"Hey...you ok?" He would ask the kid with pale skin, red hair that went down to his chin, and large glasses. Rudolph looked up at Nolan with surprise and admiration as he nodded.

"Uhhh Yes! Thank you, Mr. Nolan! I-I'm Rudolph, Rudolph Connors. But my friends call me Rudy...well if I had any friends." Rudy said, trailing off a bit as Nolan looked at Rudy for a second and smiled.

"Well my name is Nolan Grayson, and this is my friend Rosa Morales! And I am pretty sure you now have two new friends Rudy! Wanna come sit with Rosa and me?" Nolan asked Rudy, who looked up at him with a look of shock. "Y-you mean it?!?! I WOULD LOVE TO!" Rudy said, a bit...too excited. But Nolan didn't mind it all too much as Rudy followed him to where he and Rosa had sat.

The trio sat down at the lunch table and for the rest of the lunch continued to talk, mainly Rosa and Nolan getting to know Rudy. Apparently, Rudy is incredibly intelligent and had been thinking of testing out of school due to how much bullying he had been going through. But his parents talked him into at least trying out one year in high school before he fully made up his mind. Rudy also had been working on new pieces of technology that he offered to show Nolan and Rosa over the weekend if they were down to come over, to which both agreed.

--𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 πŽπ… π’π‚π‡πŽπŽπ‹--

The school bell rang and several minutes later students began to flood out of the school in droves, attempting to get home from this place of learning. Among the crowd walked Nolan, Rudy, and Rosa. Nolan was somewhat distracted by something, though Rudy did not understand what...Rosa had some idea. Nolan had enhanced senses, to an insane degree. It was to the point that if he focused hard enough he could hear the entire city. Because of this loud noises sometimes gave him a slight headache if he wasn't expecting them, such as school bells for instance. However, he was pulled out of his trance when Rosa punched his arm lightly. This caused Nolan to see that he was about to bulldoze right through a fellow student, which caused Nolan to quickly move out of their way

"Que esta pasando (What's going on) Invincible? You almost bulldozed that kid." Rosa said, looking mildly annoyed at Nolan, though there was a slight undertone of worry.

"Oh...it's nothing...just a minor headache." Nolan said, giving Rosa a smile that did ease her a bit. As the three continued to walk Nolan and Rosa said goodbye to Rudy and headed into the city towards a local coffee shop where Nolan promised to buy Rosa a coffee.

So yeah! I will be having some characters from the comics in this story! If you have any characters you wanna see don't hesitate to comment on which ones you want! Though I will say I will be changing them to fit better in this story.

Mightiest_Disciplecreators' thoughts
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