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People on here saying Zoro, but who here remembers Kazuma’s “bullets” from S-Cry-Ed?
I disagree because, if I remember correctly, he only trained mentally after Resurrection F in canon and that boosted his control and strength immensely. If the timeline remains even remotely the same in regards to him being revived with the dragon balls, he will be unimaginably strong in comparison to canon.
Dude, he died and then immediately saw people that he loved that were long dead, if there is ANY time to be absurdly happy to the point that he started acting younger or whatever your complaint actually is, it would be now.
And? Others will have the same advantages that he’s trying to give her. He’s leveling the playing field and given her time to get used to whatever skills he’s giving her.
It’s the same as spending a big ass chunk of money. Even if you need what you’re spending it on, or you’re happy to buy it, it can still hurt to see that account balance drop.
Right now, he doesn’t need to be smart, he just needs to win these duels.
I bet you got some family out there. Family is not always blood and blood is not always family.
Did you not read? He was severely disoriented from both the transmigration and from whatever that girl did to him at first. During AND after that, he was beaten and nearly burned for even trying to speak. And yes, he was begging to be believed, but he also DID tell his mother about the conversation that he overheard. If she refused to believe him about that, what makes you think that she would believe him about literally ANYTHING else. He has no proof, it’s his word as a “disappointment” vs the word of people who are beyond reproach in the eyes of those he’s pleading with. Also, he’s a 14 year old kid who’s possibly facing death for something he didn’t do and he has literally no control in this situation, he can’t go and try to get evidence because he’s imprisoned and even if he could, trying to get that evidence would get him killed in its own right. He’s literally in a no win situation the only thing he CAN do is beg to be believed because then whoever believes in him can probably get him help.
I mean shit, sometimes all you need is a few minutes. Don’t always need to be a marathon 10 to 15 minutes is good enough sometimes
He might, if he was friends with them before he made it big, like it’s being implied here.