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  • BattleLord

    Ves did a great job linking living mech to warhorsesā€¦ I would have gone with centaurs since warhorses donā€™t talk back and third order mechs do. Plus, displaying a sexy centaur adds emotional curb appeal to every mech pilot who likes to imagine him/herself piloting a hot mech.

    Ch 5772 Alienation of Living Mechs
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    The Professor has presented non-empathic AIā€™s and Aliens as bad examples in the previous chapter. Ves hired a Hacker Journeyman, has thousands of Vandals and Black Cat Hackers and we have not even mentioned LUCKY! They target Vesā€™s and Larkenson Clans enemies. Logically the family in the smart home were killed for reasons not stipulated by the Professor. The AIā€™s were just tools, no different from a chainsaw, mech or nuke. The result is the same. Expecting Aliens to have human empathy and motivation is even more ludicrous. I donā€™t know where to begin with that example. Ves has an entire biome capital ship of aliens he keeps for various purposes. None of which the aliens would describe as humane. Letā€™s hope this chapter presents some better arguments from Vesā€™s opponents .

    Alienation of Living Mechs
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord
    Replied to Air_Tools

    The problem with fully free is great until someone yells ā€œFIREā€ in a crowded theatreā€¦ is a popular analogy for speech or actions whose principal purpose is to create panic, and in particular for speech or actions which may for that reason be thought to be outside the scope of free speech protections. In my workplace, rules and regulations were implemented to protect workers not due to ā€œarbitraryā€ whims rather as a response to harmful practices that occurred. Thus freedom is everyoneā€™s responsibility to ensure they self discipline and respect the privileges it entails. "Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage." ā€• Winston Churchill

    He had a point. The galactic net often gave everyone the illusion that it was a wild west, but they never put much thought on whether the people and organizations that maintained all of the communication systems would take advantage of their power to advance their own interests!
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    This assumes that AIā€™s share human characteristics. Thereā€™s no reason an artificial intelligence will share human motivations. At best ethics are likely which is a logical decision making process that defines right from wrong and good from evil. Currency is a human construct to exchange goods and services, AIā€™s might not consider doing computations for the purposes of attaining knowledge as work requiring compensation or identifying their role in society as slaves. They might not even be aware weā€™re intelligent beings, just as we donā€™t consider our gut bacteria consequential. Ves might be right to suggest treating living mechs as friends before they recognize you as enemies.

    "That is not a surprise, as it is mostly an academic term used by anthropologists and historians who study alien races. The Creator Trap describes an event where an alien race tries to convince themselves by developing ever more powerful and versatile machines to relieve them of their cumbersome work, but go too far in the process. Every tool-based race engages in this process of automation to a degree, but the ones who are especially careless try to instill their machinery with more autonomy and permissions. While these alien races reap increasingly greater rewards, they lose sight of the fact that their artificial slaves are becoming more and more powerful. Once a fateful error occurs, these powerful creations may turn against their creators, with devastating consequences as a result. You cannot imagine how many races in both the new and old galaxy have perished due to hubris."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    Exlor has done a good job framing this issue. I think it is long overdue and canā€™t wait to read how Ves deals with his enemies. Though I canā€™t help wondering how the third order mechs are dealing with this argument from their point of view. They have access through their pilots and the portal feeds. I canā€™t help wondering if fourth order mechs will be choosing their own pilots. All living beings prioritize survival and the best chance of survival is to partner up with the best pilots. Pilots with attributes below A might find themselves locked out of the cockpits of some of the most powerful mechs in the future.

    Ch 5739 Opponents, Not Enemies
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    Iā€™m guessing the semi-autonomous Fey is a strong argument that living mechs can operate with minimal Pilot intervention. Yup, they have a strong argument.

    "The Mech Supremacists are under the impression that increasing the intelligence and autonomy of your living mechs will eventually make mech pilots redundant." Vector Loban spoke in a sardonic tone. "You must think they are wrong or misguided, but you have to understand this situation from their perspective. They do not know as much about living mechs as you. They can only judge them by relying on their own observations."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    I know Vector and Jovy advised not to ā€˜bribeā€™ his opponents with carmine mechs, and I donā€™t foresee any reason to accept second, third or higher order mechs in a xenophobic society. Therefore I am guessing Ves is planning to obliterate his opponents and totally misdirect everyone else to focus on not being his enemy and ignoring LMC living mechs entirely .

    In hindsights, Ves should have taken a lot more measures to prepare the mech community for the onset of third order living mechs.Ā 
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    Interesting crossroads. Are Living Mechs; 1) AIā€™s that are superior to existing AIā€™s in that they canā€™t be hacked? I think Red Humans could get behind this explanation as the only reason they fear AIā€™s is that Hackers are ubiqitous in society, waiting for opportunities to turn AIā€™s against their users. While I agree itā€™s scary, I donā€™t understand why Hackers are free to disrupt society to such a degree. 2) Living Mechs are like pets and everyone loves pets, but would you be comfortable with your pet if it could converse with you? Would you be comfortable with your pet if they knew your deepest secrets? What if you performed a criminal activity, is your mech obliged to turn you into the authorityā€™s or become an accomplice to the crime? 3) Are Living Mechs of the 3rd order (or higher), considered an alien life form? Red Humans are xenophobic, fighting an entire dwarf galaxy full of hostile aliens, while the LMC has produced a race of tenā€™s of millions of living creatures (mech species) to fight with them. Is he worse than Cosmopolitans? !! Ves better be wearing his best ā€œPlot Armorā€ because I donā€™t think the Devil Tongue can convince me Living Mechs are Red Humans just like their neighbours and not AIā€™s, Spyā€™s or Alien Invasion.

    Even if his opponents gave him a bit of mercy by continuing to allow his Larkinson Clan to make use of his own products, that was poor consolation given that he served the needs of tens of millions of mech pilots just before.
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    I thought the premise for AIā€™s to not be prevent in Mechs and other technology was the proliferation of hackers who enjoyed unopposed freedom to attack AIā€™s wherever and wherever possible. Including the example of children, that was presented earlier in the story. Vesā€™s living Mechā€™s are superior only in the fact that they are currently immune to the ā€œHackers Menaceā€. Though the author has avoided presenting incidents of ā€œPet like intelligenceā€ living Mechā€™s and Fey, I canā€™t help but wonder what a ā€œmotivatedā€ Fey or mech would do when not specifically under human influence. Hell! Human influence has repeatedly led to poor outcomes throughout this story. Ves being a perfect example. I canā€™t help but remind myself that the living Mechā€™s are strongly influenced by their Creator. Just because they are not AIā€™s does not mean they are unfailing or infallible.

    Ch 5721 Versatile Uses
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord
    Replied to Joseph_Gress

    You just want to see Gloriana explode in a spectacular fashion! šŸ˜‚

    "Let's try and stuff six of them into my companion spirit."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord
    Replied to Adam_Kelsheimer

    Firstā€¦ thank you for replying. Secondā€¦ I am not an expert in all things, I only have my opinion and the experience of a lifetime. Therefore your opinion is just as relevant as mine and appreciated to read as you were not judgemental of mine. Thus I had some good takeaways, such as your comment on Fridaymen. Thirdā€¦ my views on every human aspect in the world is simple. Act ethically and expect others to reciprocate. I do not impose myself and my beliefs on others (unless like you they engage with me). I believe in a single world government with representation of all people with the goal of ensuring safety, prosperity and happiness for everyone. Fourthā€¦ The Mech Touch is unique in that Exlor interacts with his readers, encouraging and incorporating many creative elements into his story. Perhaps you might influence his writing in the future by posting a creative piece that excites his interest. Regardless, I encourage you to share your thoughts and respectful opinions. Everyone loves positive feedback. Sincerely BattleLord

    "That's what Good Boys are for." Gloriana responded with a smile. "Don't worry, Ves. A lot of boys consider it a great honor to pilot such a crucial mech. Every mech pilot that falls while piloting a Good Boy receives posthumous honors. They genuinely deserve to be seen as good boys, and their families always receive generous pensions and other rewards as a result! Don't you think they're good boys for braving such risks?"
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord
    Her eyes twinkled as she already began to reimagine the Dark Zephyr on a fundamental basis. In order for the living mech to attain a greater level of perfection, she needed to strengthen the mech frame to a degree that was unprecedented among the mechs of the Larkinson Clan!
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    Are you kidding meā€¦ Glorianaā€™s super power is spending ungodly amounts of money on useless fashion accessories. She alone can change the economic forecast and fortunes of entire zones when she pulls out her credit card.

    While Gloriana had long taken pride in all of these accomplishments, their magnitude and their impact on greater human society wasā€¦ limited.
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    Ves, why not tell her the truthā€¦ sheā€™s a life support system for your children who dabbles in Mech Designing.

    "Our clan doesn't necessarily need two daredevils at the top." Ves cautiously said. "If you really want to make a greater impact on society, then you should focus on what you are good at. You are different from me. You have your own way of attaining greater success. My generous advice is to stick to your heart and follow your desires if you must."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    Battlelord: <speachless>

    "The fact that you have risen so high while I have failed to catch up to you shows that your approach and your penchant for risk-taking may ultimately yield better results than the alternatives."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    Yup! Ves is rightā€¦ definitely the wrongā€™Old Earthā€.

    "The planet may appear to be Old Earthā€¦ but may not be the planet we are all thinking about." Jovy said. "There are dozens of highly accurate replicates of our ancestral home planet in the Greater Terran United Confederation alone. No one has yet to create a replica of our home planet in the Red Ocean as far as I am aware of, but that may change in the future."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    Did Red Humanity loose the war with Messer 87 and with their help return to the Milkyway to conquer it in the name their new masters .

    This was nothing less than a desecration of the human race's most precious heritage!
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    Destroyer of Worlds: What do you want to do today Emma? Emma: Blow something upā€¦ same as we do everyday. Why do you have something special in mind? Destroyer of Worlds: I was feeling nostalgic now that we have returned. How about we visit Old Earth? Emma: YES! Iā€™m feeling a blast from the past coming onā€¦

    Everyone who was familiar with the Destroyer of Worlds knew about her penchant of blowing up planets.
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor
  • BattleLord

    This book follows the boring trend of Webnovelā€™s dominant use of transmigration, reincarnation and the use of a system. The final chapter of the authorā€™s notes clarifies the reasoning and since the novel had so many positive elements I agree it is one of the few novels of this type I found enjoyable to read. The harem, and the graphic sexual chapters were skimmed through for the most part. As a male reader, it didnā€™t connect, perhaps female readers enjoyed it better. Though I donā€™t understand why female would want to share one man. I certainly have my hands full with one woman in my life, more would have me dreaming of an early grave. So what kept me reading almost 1500 chaptersā€¦ everything else! Very interesting plot, awesome multiverse transending background, great characters and character development. The story has very few errors in writing making the flow easy to read. Then thereā€™s the battle and battlefield scenes that span chapters. They completely immerse you in the action. If a persnickety reader like myself can dedicate hours to this novel, I can guarantee it will appeal to a wide audience. My sincere thanks to the author and I hope you continue to share more stories with your fans.

    Reincarnated With The Strongest System
    Fantasy Ā· Elyon
  • BattleLord
    Replied to Angelo_Zozobrado

    Iā€™m honoured by such high praise. Though Exlor is the person who deserves the credit for his inspiring story.

    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi Ā· Exlor