Let me put it this way; have you ever heard of Aristotle? Plato? Socrates? Morons.
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I think instead of deluding himself about his superior moral character, he tells himself that everyone else is an outsider and an enemy and therefore any harm done to them is justified. Ironically, this would be equally ridiculous if he was in anywhere else but in the dungeon.
Why stop there? Why not get a 729 state? Or 6561? Or whatever 9^9 is?
What about Elder Shen? She seems pretty sus.
Quick Trivia: The head god of Japanese mythology, Izanagi, went to the underworld to retrieve his wife, Izanami, just after her death. However, she had already become a demon of the underworld and attacked him when he saw her hideous appearance. After he escaped, he washed his face in some mythical river and the three were birthed when he washed his left eye, right eye, and nose.
I'm just imagining someone transmigrating, hearing about the plot armor sect, and thinking "What the heck?!"
...has he somehow forgotten the itch and invented new memories of the process? It just seems off.
So this is where the author stopped the copy/paste
Deja Vu, anyone?
Not Veridian Forest?