of reading
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I'm not entirely sure but isn't this the World Of Deities under a different name. The description sounds identical but I will have to wait for it to be released to be entirely sure. Maybe it will get picked up this time because I liked the World of Deities.
It would be nice if webnovel could actually put out the correct novel. The synopsis doesn’t match the story they released at all. It’s clearly a different story and a near match too another story released. next time, please release an old fashioned cultivation novel. These system novels are ridiculous.
I bet it is probably supposed to be something like Holy type. that would explain it's evolution path.
This is probably machine translated and errors like this show up all the time
Stop confusing water and wind spirit roots, pick one translator and stick with it
It would be nice if the author or maybe the translator would post a list of cultivation realms for each type as well as their names (spell advisor, sword wave, blood bending realm etc.) If they already have posted it, please direct me to it.
Deja vu is a good phrase. Author gets an idea then presents it in different ways. Very confusing.
I believe they meant to translate it as "humn" the song not "hymn"
getting a headache trying to read this. Webnovel is getting worse with the editing of these novels. My mother was an english teacher and if she saw what was going on with these chapters she would have a fit.
First they took away the 60 chapter trial read and made it 40 and now this. Some books with no chapters and others with the wrong chapters. Most only have 5. This is all becoming a bad joke.