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GA is still getting 14 chapters. When GAB finishes, it wil start getting bonus chapters again and go back to 18
Provinces might be an odd name for them tbh. But it is probably better to think of each province as its own individual empire. Thistle brook is one of the cities in the Nightgale Empire or Province
LMAO, I think I made a mistake, but here's a chapter anyway
It really does boil down to it being easy for you to say, actually
The funniest part about this is that you guys will never guess. I would never be so cliche
nope, just E Rank. A Level 51 would have been just fine. The previous 10 level jumps were only within F Grade
Easy for you to say. But I don't mind counting the ways. 1) A review is about one book, not multiple. Carrying baggage over from another story is already approaching in bad faith. 2) The review itself is inaccurate at best and an outright lie at worst. 3) They not only left an antagonistic review, they went so far as to imply that every other positive review on the novel was from people who didn't actually read. 4) You might not be aware, but this novel in particular has been under an attack of several alt accounts under the control of one person. I don't think this account in particular is from that person, which is why the review is still up. But there's an added frustration because these accounts gave this review far more likes than it warrants or deserves. It's not an opinion a majority of my readers share, not even remotely. 5) This review says "If you are going to keep writing maybe come up with a variety of character and themes". I don't know if your craft has ever been attacked, or if you've ever cared about anything enough to feel that way, but that line alone, ignoring everything else, would have already crossed the line for me. It's like implying I made them pick up my novel, or like I was on my knees begging them to read my new book or something, or like I have a gun to his head to make him pick my books up. I don't reply to every negative review. There are plenty that are up on my novels I haven't given the time of day to. So you best believe that if I am replying, there's a very good reason for it. Your opinion is almost as bad as theirs.