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We don't even know how long the MC has been in the Mexican army, nor his rank, role and opinion of the army. For all we know he could have just been a low ranking officer that has been in the army for less than 5 years. Even if he were some grizzled veteran that has gone through multiple wars, he wouldn't have accepted the situation and just played along immediately after losing his only daughter in the plane accident. That's one of the main issues imo, the MC just shrugs off his daughter's death and takes an immediate 180 in personality compared to before he died.
Yeah I suppose that would give at least some explanation but, the author hasn't stated anything about his level of education nor which field he has 'expertise' in. Can't justify this reasoning if it's just speculation. I wouldn't have had any issue with this if the author just added more to the MC's backstory and history which would explain so much, instead we got barely any info in the first few chapters besides him being in the Mexican army(note that we don't know his rank nor role in the army so we even have issues with this too).