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For the authors effort I’ll give this a two star vote. This story is about a brat who wants to destroy everything for revenge. The novel time skips to an OP MC and I mean OP times infinity. Millions will die but he won’t care because the loss of his new family. Too much hatred in a ridiculously OP MC killing everyone while hidden in the shadows like he has everything in the palm of his hand. The free Uchiha bloodline and Sherigan mind control is a bit overkill.
I’ve gone as far as the underground bunker and have to say this is hard core plot armor. A system and now a secure facility with armor etc etc and the AI just says “sure I’ll reboot and you can have control.” Let’s just give him a mysterious shelter that’s self sufficient and automated so he can just play games and watch tv… finds a few women for sure and they will either treat him like a savior or goddn case
Half way in to the first chapter and the MC is trained from 4 to be a super soldier with martial training from young with multiple arts.… let’s see if it gets interesting or it is a wate of time with a 3.5 rating.
I don’t like to rant and rave normally but it’s needed here. From the first chapter all we see is the mic chugging beer and chain smoking. 30-40% of your story is filler with the mc’s habits of smoking and drinking adding nothing to the story other than annoying readers with waisted time and content. This is not character development so what’s your purpose? Unlimited money and he stocks up on cigarettes and alcohol the day before the apocalypse instead of food water etc. In two and a half months he could have found isolated farm property, stocked it with supplies, obtained building construction materials and vehicles, and have it functional with solar power and water wells or stream. It may get better but I’ve stopped at 17th chapter.
I read far into this story annoyed at the constant emotional collapse of the MC coupled with the acceptance of 99% of the women who show him affection. Danmachi is one of my favorite fanfic worlds with it’s opportunities for growth. By the time he starts world hopping I’m struggling to maintain interest and eventually dropped it. I forgot to consider the MCs origin later in the works. I cant guarantee that I’ll dive back into the story, but it was one of my favorites before I got to that point and I would suggest it to others as long as you remember his origins and age.
I loved this fanfic. I can’t point out many issues so it’s worth a perfect rating in my book. The MC is a nice refreshing choice that is unique and doesn’t drive you crazy with emotions, decisions, etc.
There are too many inconsistencies with the fanfic and the source. Using magic without being caught by the ministry as you rob gangsters, break into police stations, assault dark wizards is impossible. The great Merlin family of the 28 is a near empty vault. The Mc can do occulmency without any training like it’s nothing. The Mc can flip out tech and make it seem too easy. How can dumbledooe and gringots goblins be suppressed by a 11-12 year olds glare and threats.
It’s always been bury it until a storm not wait for the lightning
What in the actual f***! First despite NO knowledge or understanding he gets pro mind magic, the double wands and trying dual wielding, constant magic with no ministry owls, 12 year old aurora grade combat, dumby can’t see his core yet his mind magic is at the peak, so in and so forth… there’s no way that glasses he created in a couple of months are that great let alone the greatest. Is enchanting separate from alchemy? Where did he get knowledge for this from 1st to 3rd year books and private lessons for a short spell. The RoR books have never been that extensive.
I kinda get the parents considering his metamorphosis from the new worlds rejection and laws he had to adapt to. He has become a ruthless killer destroying sects at first and now entire god realms. Hermione’s death is just strange considering he started accepting other women.