I enjoy fantasy, action, BL/yaoi, harem, reincarnation, transmigration, comedy and fanfictions.... I Also kidnap my fav authors during my free time.. *\(^~^)/*
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I cried on this chapter😢😢😢... they have a really beautiful Family relationship despite Only meeting a few tImes..
I think it was his pride and stubbornness talking when he Still didnt let the mc Out even after many Years...
For a royalty, he’s a king before a father..
Its already merciful that the mc Predecessor Was not immediately killed.. it shows how his father atLeast was affectionate to him... though Releasing a high profile Enemy, If you are the emperor he surely be angrY
Is there an mtl for this?? If therE is, what was the title?? Can anyone give me the titLe?? 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐 WaitinG for rEplIes.. The Story had an Interesting premise.. but i Havent completely read it dOne.. its just the first ImPression is good
Does anybody know the mtl of this?? 😔😔 it looks So interesting ... but Until noW there’s still no updates.. please reply if you have any idea.. or recommend novels with the Similar premise
Sect of sCam😂😂😂
The sect thought he is a pure mInded in cultivating while he thought the sect is a hiddeN immortals😆😆
Im holding back mY laughter.. now i look like someone constipated
Lol Us mortals can only appreciate what we dont understand🤣🤣