"Vai dar o c# pra mim, vai?"
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Thanks for the chapter. I didn't expect anything different.
Remembering this is a fairy tail fanfic, there's no way the quality can be higher than 3 stars.
Comrade I think I have your answer. I imagine it has to do with some sort of filter. See, he writes 20, 30 chapters, those who don't like it leave, and those who stay mostly, keep praising and saying how great the story is, and how this is the best thing they've read. Then comes the reality, someone burst that bubble. Deep down he knows it's rubbish and I've given up.
Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe you're one of those brainless people?
It's bad, period. I admire you for being able to read 17 chapters. As I read I had the feeling I was watching Teen Wolf.
the story is a mess, 11 chapters and several "cool" powers. mc meets a stranger in the woods and abracadabra we are best friends. I wasn't going to waste my time any further, but since I didn't see any reviews written by an adult, I decided to do other readers like me a favor.
What exactly didn't you like?
Chapter 40 and he's still 10 years old
Thank you very much for answering me politely. As it was a +18 fanfic, I didn't have many expectations. But what got me, in addition to fulfilling wishes, was realizing that you were building the story from comments, from a stupid and horny audience.