of reading
Read books
Good, most mc’s don’t fix the problems with the stories when publishing books in their new life. Not all have an A.I. but even those that do rarely do this, barely any even TRY.
According to The Gamer canon any skill books he uses disappear.
If they were real the heroes would probably kill the supervillains before they can become a true threat or when they become a true threat.
+1, AT LEAST half, of all the nemesis’s take away from the story. They are either stupid moments or annoying moments. MAYBE you can write it well, but I barely know how well you can write and don’t want to risk it. Also the whole “weakening superman with kryptonite or magic before he can destroy the kryptonite/chuck it into space/dodge the magic/kill the person” is just ridiculous, it’s not just his that’s enhanced, his senses and brain are enhanced as well. Superman would see them attempting to do it in super slow motion and would be able to easily stop them in some way before they can get the kryptonite or magic ready. X-ray vision to check which storage thing is kryptonite, take it and throw it into the sun or take it, crush it, blow it away before it can affect him.
Nice to see you again, I really thought you were gone for good. I look forward to reading more if you’re up to it.
Good job
As long as they are not detrimental to Konoha in the future like they were in canon.
“I’m afraid I will have to disappoint you Ms. Tracy, you see, I am already married, happily married, so I will have to refuse any advances that you or any other girl bring upon me.”