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Seems like this novel is just carried by Er Gen name, bad start, dumb circumstances and stupid people to make the protagonist smart.
Nah, the start of this novel made me remember those Korean novels of Fantasy + Romance, it's the protagonist that does everything but keeps getting thrown around by the girls.
just wanted to say that, wtf are these characters images bro ? You is first place, u don't have the money to commission an artist to make it ? Even AI would look better than that....
"Had some sex", yeah with your hand it seems, started the novel acting like a damn virgin and victim, dropped.
I found it to be a good story at first, but everything just collapsed, why are you at a manor and then working for someone you don't even know, famous protagonist that goes along, "why I'm here? What am I doing? well don't matter :)"
The moment i read that i knew someone would put this here lol