avid story consumer
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I've red up to chaper 200 and I'm considering dropping this story. There are a few things this auther does that I find annoying and when thinking about this plot and character development it feels like there are a lot of holes. If you are someone who is critical about that stuff I wouldn't recomend it. Minor spoilers below. First thing that is really annoying is how the auther does time jumps. There are so many instances of where the author jumps 2 months ahead and something happens. Fine whatever but then he goes back and does a huge explanation on how we got there and explains what happens in those months and then jumps forward again to that event. If you are going to explain what happens then why jump back and forth in time like 3 times and not just do things chronology. Next the MC, boy is his development weird. His backstory is that he is some super smart genius but he rarely acts like that. There are a few cases where the author is trying to make him seem smart but it almost comes off as the mc being omnipotent because the conclusions he draws are a little ridiculous. The rest of the time he acts like a regular person and dosent seem that smart. Hes constantly limiting himself and he the entire time he is in the academy he dosent seem like he is really doing anything special with his magic. The guy is supposed to be some pioneer with magic and half of the spells we see him cast are like fireball and waterball. He also only uses basic elements when we know there are other things like spatial/teleportation, light and healing magic. The whole class thing in the academy feels so forced and then everyone acts like its been this thing that has been there for years when it is new. Its one of those storys where everyone says strength matters before all else but then once he gets to the academy they only care about core color and ignore strength. Like the mc is clearly the 2nd strongest in the first years but for some reason everyone thinks he is trash because of his core color. Dude scored 5th overall and was still placed in the lowest class. If core color is all they care about why even bother with the other tests. Also the fact that they discriminate so much is weird. This is an entire kingdom and the academy only takes a 100 people make it in in a year but they still treat everyone under the top 13 like they are garbage. All the classes are lectures why does it matter if the class has 13 or 100. Also its not like they are trying to push the lower class to work harder to get better resources. Once your placed in a class your basically stuck there all three years. Also all the rankings are weird. There are the top ten for each class but like the first year upper class has 13 people so I assume year 3 upper class has a similar amount. Why would anyone care that much about a top 10 ranking when its out of like 10-15 people. Meanwhile these people treat it like a huge deal when when there are very little benefits. Also towards like chaper 150+ its just getting to be an annoying amount of combat. Like 50+ chapters of bullshit combat that is not needed. There is also like 15 chapters just to introduce a character. Its just getting to the point where im skipping chapers just to try and see the story progress in a meaningfull way but the inconsistencies and nonsense are all I can think about.
I should say I stopped reading around chapter 100. The idea is really cool and I loved the first 50-60 chapters but it fell of from there. Similar to many other books with a non humanoid MC it dosent stay that way for long. He gets a human body and all of a sudden its like every other cultivation book on this app. It feels like he is limiting himself greatly because he wants to be a human and have a human body. He could "sleep" anywhere he wants for a few hundred years and have enough energy to buy whatever he wants but he wants to cultivate slowly for some reason and then is mad/upset when he isnt stronger.