


What did I do to my freetime.... :(

2018-05-22 JoinedGermany

of reading


Read books

  • Ulldra
    Ulldra2 years ago

    Love the new novel so far! I was a bit scared with the revenge story setup as it‘s not really my type of story, but it seems even though our MC is set on revenge and enacting justice he‘s still a good boy at heart. The only criticism I have so far is that some parts could use a little more proof reading, the only thing taking me out of the flow are those obvious mistakes like ‚johnny bee‘ instead of ‚honey bee‘.

  • Ulldra
    Ulldra2 years ago

    I‘m not one to comment normally, but I have just have to put some praise here! With all the shit going on the world currently, this novel is a true source of joy for me every day. It‘s so wholesome and I just love this novel and all its characters so much. Great work!

  • Ulldra
    Ulldra3 years ago

    Honestly this is the first time I find one of these ‚all girls like the MC‘ tropes actually engaging. It‘s infuriating at times how Emery acts, but I think thats what makes it good in a way. He‘s honestly trying to face them while slowly gaining emotional maturity himself. I‘m rooting for Klea in every way, though I have to admit Silva is best girl for me. I just think Klea is a much better partner for Emery. I‘m really curious about whats going to happen, good job author.

  • Ulldra
    Ulldra3 years ago

    Hey! Nice to see the book end like this, I enjoyed the read and was here nearly from the start. If I had one thing to complain about, it would be editing/proofread of the chapters. There were many typos and mistakes along the way and I think that doesn‘t really do your imagination justice - the content would shine a lot more if the cover would be brighter aswell. Thanks for the journey!

  • Ulldra
    Ulldra3 years ago
    Replied to 1King_Rep1

    Nice! Thanks for the quick response, I really like your stories :)

  • Ulldra
    Ulldra3 years ago

    Did the amount of privilege chapters extend? If yes, by how many? Been waiting 4 or 5 chapter notifications now and couldn‘t read even one of them 😅

  • Ulldra
    Ulldra3 years ago

    At some points of the novel the characters seem to fall a little flat, but thats critique where everything else shines brightly. One of if not the best novel on this platform.

  • Ulldra
    Ulldra3 years ago

    See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

  • Ulldra
    Ulldra3 years ago

    Just wanted to say: I love this novel! Quality has gone up considerably and I really enjoy the story coming along. One of my favorite novels on here at the moment :)

  • Ulldra
    Ulldra3 years ago
    Replied to John_Doever

    Thats great to hear, thanks for the answer! I‘ll wait as long as needed and meanwhile, guess I‘ll have to pick up your other work then :)