I am a reader, and a beginner writer
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Top left almost looks like Marvel Rival's Reed Richards
Then why don't you write the damn story and see how it turns out... Dear god these people don't know the simple concept of "not ending the story in the first chapter" in storytelling, truly the brain rot has taken hold of their poor souls... Sorry for the rant... First of all, we just started the story man at least give the author the time to cook and tell the story. Secondly, the author has yet to tell us what version of Madara he has. Third, even a fraction of Six Path Madara absolutely decimates Tokyo Ghoul in its entirety, he is close to being a deity or is one already, I'm not debating that but for the love of god the author did not equate the levels to the percentage of Madara's power, what we do know for now is that the MC is equivalent to three tomoe Sasuke without personal skills and experience to back it up which doesn't seem to be 1% of Six Path Madara is it?... Lastly (my selfish take), this is the only Tokyo Ghoul content I've seen in a while so I try my best to enjoy it while I still can. That being said, I hope y'all have a good time reading and have a nice day.
Damn this is good world building
Sigh... This seems to happen in Template System Fanfics where people assume the power given from the template will be at peak when it's still at their infancy state... Time and time again people don't understand the slow acquisition of a given power is not equal to the power that the template character possesses at their peak. What we see here is degradation of logic and critical thinking of an unreasonable degree. What you have said my friend may be inconsequential to the bigger narrative and frankly stupid, but take this as a lesson to take a degree of logic and critical thinking and if nothing else, let us shut our brain off and enjoy the show. Good day my friend and have fun reading
We got this tree that fell on our fences months ago from a storm, so naturally we had cut it down as it's a nuisance to our privacy and it's a gap where our chickens can escape. In the middle of our yard lies the fallen tree chopped in several parts (The trunk, branches and etc), we burned the leaves on the first day which didn't work as it's still wet so we left it to dry. Days went by and we set fire on the leaves and branches, which worked but the trunk is yet to burn so I drenched it in alcohol to make fire burn more but all it did was emit a ton of smoke and was just not propagating the burn so we left it to dry once more, we did this burning once a week by gathering the overgrown vines and weed and burning it alongside the trunk, all it did was making the outside crust of the trunk darken until it looked like charcoal.... Yeah we kind of actually made a charcoal trunk... In the end, we used the charcoal trunk as our campfire for several weeks to burn the weeds and vines until it crumbled to dust. So yeah, in principle wood fuels fire, but it needs a ton of work to be even of use. Have a nice day.
And wet wood is not easily burnt... If you live in the woods you often need to make a reserve of wood for drying (It can take months for firewood to dry completely) and burning as wet and healthy wood will not burn as easily as dry wood. That's basic science
Bruh the MC is still a child and YOU'RE comparing him to a veteran magneto. Where did you get the information about the MC having the powers of COMIC Magneto or are you just pulling it up from your ass. Why not and wait and see what the author is cooking before making baseless comparisons.
Shrex you say?
There are things that are worse than death, remember that