

2018-05-15 JoinedGlobal

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  • Readerofbooks123
    Replied to Poisontester_Vc

    lol, Im hoping the opposite from you and that they aren't loli's, and that it was just bad mtl I read, but you do you I guess?

    Becoming Invincible By Absorbing Emotions
    Eastern · Pure Drop Mushroom
  • Readerofbooks123

    MTL read it, pretty understandable. Its a different take having a female protagonist in a typical male lead plot, and the story is pretty interesting. She, formerly a he, transmigrates into less entertainment advanced world, and starts her journey to becoming the best with games/entertainment from our world. but this must be said: I read about 40 chapters, and half the paragraphs so far have been clearly to raise the word count. A lot of paragraphs just repeat the same info in different ways, back to back, and I found myself skipping half the chapter each time, without missing a single piece of vital info. It got pretty easy to tell what was important to read. The story wouldn't feel soooo slow if they cut the word count in half. Also, lmao, we get it, shes sexy, her sister is sexy, her boss is sexy, everyones sexy! Sexy slender legs here, big boobs there, legs again, sexy fingers, sexy hair, sexy this, sexy that, I literally started tallying the amount of times their looks are unnecessarily mentioned instead of focusing on the interesting plot, and by chapter 40, I was over 30 times lmaooo. Quick question for ppl who have read further than me, is this yuri? Like idk if the author thinks that is how straight girls act with each other, but its giving very much yuri vibes, although I think it might just be fanservice (ngl I started skipping those scenes too, just so I could get to game plot, the fanservice was cringe sorryyyy). All in all, I think it was one of the better ones out of this weeks pilot reads

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  • Readerofbooks123
    Replied to Wanderingimmortal

    Exactly, I think I read to around 100 chapters, then skimmed to around 300 chapter, and he started off as interesting with his high EQ and ability to turn enemies into friends, then turned into a typical arrogant harem master. Sucks bc the idea was relatively unique compared to all the copy paste trial reads for the past few months

    Becoming Invincible By Absorbing Emotions
    Eastern · Pure Drop Mushroom
  • Readerofbooks123
    Replied to Tjbeach

    You're irrelevant to me, so thankfully none of your replies actually effects me that much. Im not sad at all, bc you left my mind months ago. Only commented bc I just saw the notification, continue on with the mediocre writing though

    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Readerofbooks123
    Replied to Entrail_JI

    Just seeing this bc I dropped this book months ago, but "falling into a daze" over 16 year olds, repeatedly when you are mentally in your 30s is weird. Full stop. It wasnt a slight daze, he went stupid and mute at the sight of them. I have no problem with jade beauties, otherwise I wouldn't have read as far as I did, and I wouldnt read chinese novels in general. it was the fact that EVERY. SINGLE. WOMAN. was a jade beauty, and you couldn't not describe their looks over and over, including one the womans freaking feet. Its tedious to read through. And what author tells someone to repeatedly skip parts of their work? Or you could just not add in those bad writing techniques, which happened way more frequently than you are saying. And I got annoyed because if every female is going to be a jade beauty, have it set in one continent, like other books do. What is the point of combining the worlds population into 1 large continent, when Indians, Africans, Hispanics, and Southeast Asians make up a large percentage of the world population, and then have every single female be jade white?? If you want to change real world stuff in your novel, do that, its your book, but dont be shocked and confused when people call you out on it.

    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Readerofbooks123

    MTL read it. It was below average, the only thing it really had going for it was that the protagonist was a good guy, and some of the villians got to be redeemable, but turned into harem, ofc, and for someone born on earth, he became pretty arrogant and cliche very quickly. By the 200s of chapters, he mind controls some random girl (who in all fairness was contributing killing intent to him), and the first thing he has her do is massage his back for him, then not even a chapter later, holds hands with some girl, decides she is his woman, and he will be ruthless to anyone who even thinks about her...yeah not my cup of tea. If this is picked tho, can translator not repeatedly call some of the girls who end up in his harem little girls? Like over and over they are called little girls, then they contribute eroticism/lust to him, so Im thrown off bc their actions and how they speak are childish af, not how someone over the age of 12 would act. The MC, a 17 year old, calls them little girls, but then theyre freaking have s** dreams and lusting over the mc?? When they say little boy in this, they are always kids, 6 or 7, but when they say little girl in this, how old are they actually?? Rant over

    Becoming Invincible By Absorbing Emotions
    Eastern · Pure Drop Mushroom
  • Readerofbooks123
    Replied to Readerofbooks123

    Also, you said this novel combines all continents into 1, so why is every female a pale white person lmaooo. if youre going to drag these girls looks on and on, at least give some diversity in their looks lol, I mean, you know a tan is ok right? being tan doesnt mean they cant be in your little harem lol. im just so tired of jade this and porcelain that

    His eyesight slightly lingered on her gorgeous gown that emphasized her perfect figure. Her sexy figure was extremely charming that it could make any men's heart pound harder. her bare feet seemingly made of porcelain and flawless further increased her sexiness. However if not for the two black horns on her head he would've mistaken her for a human.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Readerofbooks123

    ok but like, this novel isn't even set in China...so why is every female a porcelain/jade like beauty...and why is every single one of them a beauty??? Author it's ok if you introduce a female character and don't spend six paragraphs talking about her looks (and they all look pretty much the same anyway)[img=faceslap]

    His eyesight slightly lingered on her gorgeous gown that emphasized her perfect figure. Her sexy figure was extremely charming that it could make any men's heart pound harder. her bare feet seemingly made of porcelain and flawless further increased her sexiness. However if not for the two black horns on her head he would've mistaken her for a human.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Readerofbooks123
    Replied to Luloli

    Comments like that are why you can't get either.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Eastern · Dissipating Wind