

2018-04-23 JoinedGlobal

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  • Morvana
    Replied to True_Seeker

    You obviously have the right to take a break, but please, say a word about it before you take it. ^^ As reader, we don't really know much about you, but we know enough to care about you. You can do whatever you want, but just tell us, or we worry about what happens.

    Ch 718 I Missed You!
    The Sinful Life of The Emperor
    Urban · True_Seeker
  • Morvana
    Replied to Bashar_Aliyu_6709

    Relax, he responded to some comments 5 days ago. He is probably taking some vacations and only talked about it in advanced chapters (also it seems to be the perfect moment to make a pause, it can push some people to pay for advanced chapters...)

    Ch 708 Something I Like More!
    The Sinful Life of The Emperor
    Urban · True_Seeker
  • Morvana
    Replied to Bashar_Aliyu_6709

    He should be ok, he answered a comment a few days ago. But I would also like to have some news...

    Ch 708 Something I Like More!
    The Sinful Life of The Emperor
    Urban · True_Seeker
  • Morvana

    One of my favorite story. The writing isn't the best I ever saw, the story has flaws (it can be a bit slow or "shonenesque" at time), characters can be a bit anoying (too flawed at time, too perfect at others) and the world building can be a bit sloppy at time (the hero need a big battle? Okay, this vilain barrely mentionned before will make his annual attack, even if this important fact was never developped before.) So I was going to give something like like a 4.5 as my note, but it wasn't right. Why should this story I like so much only have a 4.5 when others I barrely read merit 5? And than it hit me. Not being the best at something doesn't mean it couldn't be amazing as a whole. This story have one big strength, it's about evrything. It's about a world of magic, but also action, adventure, politics, humanity, pain, love, difference, acceptation... Reading it you have the feeling of reading the story of a life, and nothing is perfect in life. I firmly belive this story is so good because it's not a perfectly crafted masterpiece with each arc having the perfect length, each character being perfectly coherent... The imperfections make it a better story, a story about life. 5/5

    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana
    Replied to Riblix

    Not in my country XD. Violence and family are their way of life. Punch one, and at best you will finish in the hospital. Bullies work in band. Beat one of them, 3 more will be on you next time. Beat a band (with friends or whatever) and you have an entire armed family waiting for you outside school. The best way is to fight them without violence by calling the teachers. Bullies don't know how to fight that because they can't resort to violence and their family is usually smart enough to know it's a bad idea to mess with teachers.

    On Earth, schools would always prohibit fights to mainly stabilize harmony. But in this world, fighting was the main theme.
    Reverend Insanity
    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Morvana

    We will be waiting !

    Ch 1154 Shadows of the Past (Part 2)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana

    "puke in panic" lol

    Garth's natural reaction was letting Tista's arm go like it was frenzied snake and wet himself, a warm puddle drove away the cold from his nether regions and feet. Most of the bystanders fell to their knees, some started to puke in panic, a few even fainted.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana
    Replied to BlinkToThePast

    He is talking about the basics here. After having found a good heir, I am sure he will give all the important family secrets to him. It's way smarter than giving everything to someone who becomes trash because everything was easy for him until it's not...

    "Son, your grandfather was just a noble, not even a mage. My foundations and resources for magic were nothing compared to what I gave you. If you cannot achieve as much as I did despite all that, teaching you is pointless.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana
    Replied to BlinkToThePast

    Because the mages (the good one at least) don't want to marry with them? They have literal powers, money... The only thing a noble could give them is a hereditary title, which isn't such a good thing for people who learned the worth of real work and don't want to spend their time with a territory to develop when they could develop their own strengths.

    "None taken." She replied, while actually shivering with fear. The Headmaster's words were finally clear to her. People like Lith would resent the nobles that abused their authority, and so would the magic bloodlines.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana
    Replied to peanut_monkey

    Even if he isn't perfect, she would be stupid to refuse his goodwill. Also if he helps her, is he really a bad man? Doing good things for bad reasons isn't much of a problem.

    Quylla took his bait, hook, line, and sinker, blushing up to her ears from the compliments. She had never received anything so precious in her life, so she held the bottle like a baby, stuttering her thanks.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana
    Replied to Ladikn

    It's perfectly possible. My school life was just like that. The school was full of bullies, and when I had problems I just ran to the teachers to report everything. I didn't have a lot of friends, but the few I had were good ones. Also it was almost peaceful (except real children are way more stupid than in this story, some would still try to cause me problems even if they knew I would report everything...) After these years I am not MC material, but at least I didn't suffer during all this time like some others... If someone who reads this is bullied I have only one thing to say: report every, single, problem (even if it's not directly with you). The teachers won't take everything seriously, but you can be sure the bullies will know you won't hesitate if they go too far with you, and it can help others who don't dare to defend themselve.

    When they threw a mean glare at him, he just took out the Ballot, forcing them to shut up and mind their own business. After what had happened that morning, they didn't dare move away from him.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana
    Replied to Levelle

    You don't need PTSD to do it, just to have some (potential) enemies.

    Lith chose a corner table with a corner seat. Having a wall behind him and another at his left, no one could get to his back without him noticing.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana
    Replied to Robert_Hay

    Depending on the school, it can be the case... Children ARE monsters. Don't forget, compassion is a learned behavior, and some of them learn it late (or never...)

    'Poor guys, you still haven't learned that you can't avoid trouble when it's the trouble looking for you, uh? Just like in middle school, the prey come early to avoid contact, while the predators take their sweet time.'
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana
    Replied to jackattack

    Not really, for what we know the parents love Trion, a small rift appear after the Orpal case, but a few time it was mentioned that they don't really liked this situation.

    Trion was nowhere to be seen. Their relationship had never mended, and the more power and authority Lith gained, the more Trion felt like a stranger to his own family.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana
    Replied to LokiMaster

    If someone still don't know about Chekhov's gun, it basically says that if something is shown in a movie, it must/will be used later in the story (if you show a gun, it will have some importance later). It the same for any story. A good story doesn't highlight something for it to be completely useless, and you should still highlight the important things, or at least a part of the audience won't understand where it is coming from, without making it too obvious or you can already understand what will happen.

    The Marchioness had been invited too, although only out of politeness, but she could not attend for a good reason. Her family had been attacked once more, and she had her hands full trying to identify the instigator.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana
    Replied to SteveNeato

    Lol, not a form of violence? it can even be used as torture...

    "Very few students have picked up a Ballot, and even those who did would usually return it after just a few weeks. Isolation and ostracism are another form of violence I can do nothing about.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana
    Replied to Clone_v2

    It's a dad... Also, he made what he could do to correct the mistakes of his children, helping the victims and going as far as banning his son (effectively destroying his future even more than a few years in jail). In a world where nobles could just say "lol, well done son" it's really a lot.

    'This is so stupid. Not only do I have to save him, but I also have to do it in a way he would approve. Having a good man as a backer is both a blessing and a curse. I need to get creative.'
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Morvana
    Replied to Ruined_Herrscher

    His wife is a dried corpse, who would even want to f... that? (don't answer this, please) So I am not surprised the emperor didn't even think about it.

    Emperor Lian looked at him with a dazed face. What kind of conditions were these? What is he going to do to his wife that would warrant such conditions? However, he was not in any position to refuse, as this might be his only hope of healing his wife.
    Dual Cultivation
    Eastern · MyLittleBrother
  • Morvana
    Replied to True_Seeker

    Wooo, so, so sorry to read that...I can't imagine how difficult it is... Take all the time you need. I love your story and I can't wait to read more, but some things are more important.

    The Sinful Life of The Emperor
    Urban · True_Seeker
  • Morvana

    I will also arrest the criminal that killed Jia Jin Sheng!” “Fang Yuan might not be the murderer!” Gu Yue Bo frowned, showing a fierce expression. “But he might be!” Lol, with this logic, put her in jail too, she could be the murderer too, who knows? And also the whole village!

    Ch 182 Blood pond graveyard
    Reverend Insanity
    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren