A nine foot wookie with twelve foot back hair
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Well, it is difficult to be a that way without cultural influence. Otherwise it is just:”wow that dude has a completely different skin tone? Neato, anyways what did we catch in the traps dinner?
He would gain much power in that world with the power to produce meth.
I mean, both. Just that JP was not involved in this topic.
“The illiterate mocks”
If you think the opportunities after having your local farm shut down in China Vs US is even remotely similar… Go touch grass
But the CLNs treat even middle class people like that though. However, the writing coming from CLNs in the last ten years has changed dramatically for the better, once you avoid the sloppy stuff anywho.
🤔 , think you commented on the wrong story maybe. He seemed fairly logical in his actions when considering his abilities and background. He just does what he needs to do that won’t impede his or his companions’ paths. Seems like an experienced and knowledgeable individual, which matches his previous life.
Read this on another site up to the ending. Was one of the better written stories. The characters are logical and consistent. The main character acts in a way befitting his substantial background while still maintaining humor and recognizing his current abilities and situation. This is a perfect story for me, wish there was some more chapters though.
The problem is that CLNs authors all think pythons are super venomous, even in a normal world setting.