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  • Carrottop17 days ago
    Replied to Runesoldier500

    I never said copy another novel….dont know where you got that idea. Just because it’s same idea doesn’t mean the author needs to copy another story. That’s the same as saying that since there’s already another marvel iron man movie, then the only option a director has is to do another iron man story instead of choosing another character. What I am saying is that there’s a difference between a story that’s focusing on lemons instead of the story. If the story was called “The Adventures of Ren’s Dick” then the readers would be starting the story with different expectations.

  • Carrottop18 days ago

    Started off decent enough, but then the author decided to focus more on cringe-worthy romance/lemons instead of the actual story. Don't get me wrong, having romance in the story is just fine, it helps most stories. However, the bulk of the readers started to read "ren the sealmaster" because they were curious how the seals aspect will be developed in the naruto world, and the first few chapters that was exactly what they got. But then the author decided to go full romance route and missions, combat, character development, world building, etc. took the backseat. You can skip entire chapters of nothing but filler and you won't miss anything. Author, if you are reading this, please consider rerouting your story to focus more on ren and the seals. Your story went from "plot with lemons" to "lemons with a bit of plot", which is a big difference.

  • Carrottop18 days ago
    Replied to Runesoldier500

    That's true in a way, but my argument still stands. The author is using low quality wuxia tropes in a naruto setting, and just randomly sprinkling in seal discoveries as a side note, even though the seals should be the focus of this story. He isn't even trying to explain how the seals were made, what logic was used, or trying to develop the main character outside of an outside perspective. In the last few chapters, all I'm getting out of this story is that it is slowly transitioning into a lemons with plot, instead of plot with lemons. BIG difference between the two.

  • Carrottop19 days ago

    Hey author, just a reminder to stick to the main storyline, most of the readers who begun reading this did so cause they were curious about how sealing jutsus will play out in your world, and not because they wanted constant soap opera and lemons (although they are fine occasionally). Also, this is not a wuxia cultivation novel, so the yin (female) and yang (male) dual cultivation nonsense doesn’t make any sense. In Naruto yin is based on your mind/spiritual strength, and Yang is your physical strength/endurance. You even stated the same at the beginning of your story, as well as Naruto canon. Why you changing your own canon just to add unnecessary illogical filler? Best idea would be to scrap this chapter and release something with actual substance to the storyline.

  • Carrottop2 months ago

    Hey author, love the story and the quick updates, this is probably one of my favorite stories right now! Just a thought, cause the MC uses seals, but what do you think about having him develop a version of the Inumaki clan's Cursed Speech from Jujutsu Kaisen? It's not too overpowered, uses some sort of sealing art, and has limitations that would fit in decently in the Naruto world.

  • Carrottop2 months ago

    Hey author, love the story and the quick updates, this is probably one of my favorite stories right now! Just a thought, cause the MC uses seals, but what do you think about having him develop a version of the Inumaki clan's Cursed Speech from Jujutsu Kaisen? It's not too overpowered, uses some sort of sealing art, and has limitations that would fit in decently in the Naruto world.

  • Carrottop5 months ago

    Love everything about this novel. The character is well thought out, and there is not zero to OP nonsense or overpowered cheat, at least not something that's unbelievable within the context of this world. That being said, the initial chapters did have the MC have some cringe dialogue and personality reveals that I may not personally like, but I can somewhat understand why the author did it. World busing is decent as well.

  • Carrottopa year ago

    Amazing story! The only downside to the story for me PERSONALLY is how Naruto is portrayed. Don't get me wrong, I think the author did an amazing job recreating Naruto's personality. However, it went to the extreme in terms of how detached from reality and retarded Naruto's sense of justice is. Even in the anime Naruto killed people that were trying to kill him. But in this story, he is taking Batman's principles to the extreme! A bandit or ninja is massacring civilians and r*ping women left and right? That's OK, as long as they say they're sorry. They do it again after their "redemption" (aka Naruto gives them a spanking and puts them in timeout)? That OK as well as long as they pinky promise that they won't do it again. As some point the suspension of disbelief hits a limit. At this point, while I absolutely love the rest of the story, I DREAD any Naruto POV narration or any part of the story where he opens his mouth. Hell, I even hoped quite a few times that he gets killed off and the author adjusts the storyline without this insufferable parasite. Author, if you're reading this, for the love of god, please change Naruto's personality, at least progressively. Every time he opens his yap I debate whether this is the reason that Uzushiogakure was destroyed in the original story. If there was a village that has retarded people like this Naruto all around, then its perfectly reasonable for the village to get wiped out for the good of the world.

  • Carrottop2 years ago
    Replied to SK33ZER9

    I'm not questioning that Eywa is real, in the sense that it is a biological planet-wide hivemind, not a deity. The MC is a technological pioneer, but seems to not even try to use science to explain anything, and just accepts the being as a god and becomes wildly religious in record time. I've known people with actual real-life tragedies that took longer to turn to religion then this guy. The technology and science of his world could have been used much more to further the Navi-human integration, instead it is just a backdrop of the story and the story devolved into tribal nonsense. I just expected more from all the initial buildup in the earlier chapters (although I did have a premonition that this will happen when the genius nerd suddenly started acting like a gym-rat high school jock high on hormones, and just hoped that he will revert back to his adult self). But to each his own i guess.

  • Carrottop2 years ago
    Replied to DetachedDreamer

    I'm sure that some people like stories where the theme wildly changes from the beginning, but that's just not me. If the MC is a scientific/technological pioneer and keeps mentioning how the various plants and resources can be applied to further science, then the general expectation is that the rest of the story would at least have that as a core theme, instead of a side story that is used as a magical fix-all when a problem comes up. But with this story, that same MC becomes a religious fanatic so fast it gives you whiplash. He doesn't even try to explain things using science, just excepts that the planetary hivemind is a "god"-being and becomes a hippy. The technology was only really used to make the house and some medicine, and then the remainder of the story was just slice of life nonsense. All I'm saying is that if you give certain expectations for a story, at least follow through. Otherwise it becomes jarring.