


I love reading these books

2018-03-19 JoinedUnited States

of reading


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  • TheGodofSlaughter
    TheGodofSlaughtera month ago

    this is based off of the 9 chapters I have read, it's an interesting premise but it's just not for me, he immediately becomes a human, ithe system just isn't well written at this point and it's hard for me to want to read so it's just not for me

  • TheGodofSlaughter
    TheGodofSlaughtera month ago

    the book is really good and I love it, there are however a few big problems which hurt the book a lot, I'm over two hundred chapters in so I don't know if it gets fixed later on, but the author just keeps nerfing the mc with his stats, he will have 98 strength and add 16 stat points to it and it becomes 100, or he will get a food buff and it will get rid of some of his stats, or one of his skills will level up 3-4 times and it will stay the same level

  • TheGodofSlaughter
    TheGodofSlaughtera month ago

    I've only read about 30 chapters, and it's a good idea executed badly, you never really learn about the mc he is just suddenly reincarnated and you don't know why, he's supposed to be powerful with his regeneration but he's just weak and boring, it feels like every chapter it stutters with it's words, he has super powerful abilities but people just have shit that's better than him for no reason he can see in the dark but just suddenly has a torch in a forest but thankfully it doesn't have trees, overall could be super good but it's just so lacking

  • TheGodofSlaughter
    TheGodofSlaughter4 years ago

    when you are just casually selling your daughter

  • TheGodofSlaughter
    TheGodofSlaughter4 years ago

    true power

  • TheGodofSlaughter
    TheGodofSlaughter4 years ago

    i have read 500+ chapters at this point and i have to say it's very disappointing, where i am here just can't cultivate because the author wants him to stay the same as every one else nut with a very bad reason for it. he is supposed to stay at the same realm for so long because he is advancing to fast only to have people who were lower then him catch up to him easily. he kills a nirvana realm expert and doesn't even bother to take his storage ring or bag and just burns them for no reason ten complains about having no money when he barely takes other peoples storage item's. the two people from the divine realm apparently just don't have anyways to attack at all. if he needs to wait longer to get more powerful attacks from them the author doesn't say so at all. he is still using earth realm attacks for no reason when it is stated he can learn divine techniques at true martial realm even though the author later says they are very rare. this novel is good if you like below average stories.