

2019-01-20 JoinedGlobal

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  • NightHeretic
    NightHeretic7 months ago
    Replied to ShuviLily

    Nice deleting reviews. The same as everyone else

  • NightHeretic
    NightHeretic7 months ago

    So as much as I did want to like this story.. I really can’t. There was another story called genius archer streaming. It came out years before this, and got translated and popular probably around a year ago. This story is a balant copy of that one. And it’s not even like it’s a better one, or it’s like a really good twist or anything like that. Every single aspect is just like a horribly looking cousin in comparison. The only things different here are that we got like a chapter where he got transmigrated. And then we never hear anything about the previous life outside of how much better this new life’s technology is, so they transmigrated. Thats different. There’s also a system, one that kinda sucks in my opinion. It’s not very creative. Also different. That’s basically it. He implements a few other things from other novels into but the basic premise, the story development, all of that just seems to follow the other novel previously mentioned to a much lesser extent. So for me this isn’t worth it. That other novel was very very good, and if I were wanting to read a novel I’d just read that one again. Instead of reading a lesser version. No offense to the offer it’s obvious they took extreme inspiration from it. But it’s almost the extent I’d say this is a fanfic instead of a original work. However the characters names are different. The author used less chapters less word count to reach the same extent. I’m not saying they copied the plot word from word. It just… feels like a way lesser version where everything seemingly goes the same way. Same issues, previous disability, you get the idea. I could go more in depth in regards to specifically what’s the same, cause it’s the vast majority of what I read. I would need to spoil some things to do so. Just kinda felt like a copy and paste to me. I think the author here definitely has the ability to write.. it’s just this book isn’t for me when there’s a much superior version out there. With way more chapters,

  • NightHeretic
    NightHeretica year ago
    Replied to Akiii365

    Hey this is a translation right? The words keep switching between Chinese terms and English terms with no consistency. And the entire story seems to be inconsistent with the use of certain terms. Some of the changes of the terms changes the entire meaning of the story. And there are also problems with grammar in the story in general. If this is an actual original story, meaning you did create it in English. You desperately need a editor so that the stories quality will be fixed. I find myself loving the idea behind the story. It’s the execution that’s really killing it from blossoming and standing out from the rest. I see potential in the story, so please hire an editor or something similar. So that it will go from a story that almost seems machine translated to an actual book.

  • NightHeretic
    NightHeretic3 years ago
    Replied to NightHeretic

    I read further into the story, after 320ish the plot hole pop ups stopped. And the writing quality improved back to its original amount. Back to 5 stars it is!