I like reading
of reading
Read books
Ominous asl
??? What’s that mean
What’s the point of code names at this point
It’s currently 5:40am I have work in a hour n lemme say this i think it was worth the binge
Freya n Kara
I saw that
IM here hehe
Post Your Snapchat name and I'll add if everyone adds everyone and there's over a 100k veiws just imagine how famous you are so put your snap in the comments there will be a new chapter every week with everyone's snap of the week before I know I'm a genius
A friend asked me to post it for him not really gonna say no writing extra words see how it goes to get back at him so he can start posting some of his own stories release dates when ever he gets them to me super fanfiction crossover with Naruto D Uzamaki can you guess where this is going yep didnt read the story just give me feed back to build my friends confidence
i wanted the badge so i wrote i wanted to write (whoops) AUTHORS block but i chocked couldnt create a awesome story so i resorted to writing peoms for you good folk