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of reading
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Mans a miracle worker, he managed to do the emo-phycopath killer background but not make him an evil unfeeling bastard in his next life, and still make it believable and a cool and interesting narrative point on how hes changed and why.
Man I’m dying for him to fight someone in SSJ, I wanna see an epic fight man!
I AM the Senate!
Mate if you want to make a living of this you should really consider your pricing on patreon, their ain’t many people who are gonna pay what is almost a dollar per chapter, but of you reduce it to a more reasonable price while you arn’t gonna make as much per person obviously a lot more people will pay, just try and find a balance thats not to cheap but not to expensive and you will end up making a lot more.
He enters zone in ch 149 but so far its only that one time.
Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever read a novel that has such little idea about what it wants to do and be, and what the basic laws of how the world should function are, just for example it almost immediatly says if you die in the game you cant revive thats your one chance but like 2 chapters later you can revive just you have to restart, If your trashy like me youll probably still somewhat enjoy it but man are the inconsistencies annoying.
I knew as soon as i read his response to a gaint wolf in front of him that I’m gonna enjoy this story.
Really loving it, wish we still had those twenty extra chapters because 40 aint enough to get a proper impression from these several hundred chapter long stories! Anyway enjoyed it so much I’m tortureing my eyes and mind and reading the mtl.
Stupid op power fantasy, but fun to read DEFINITELY WANT THOSE 60 CHAPTERS BACK THOUGH!!! Filler FillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFiller
Absolutely love the story, a somewhat different take on the classic absorption of your enemies powers cliche, and while it does make him very strong on his level its not strong enough to make him just generally unbeatable by people just a bit above him in progress (or make him feel unbeatable we all know he’s not really gonna lose), This with a sci-fi and a bit of a mecha vibe in the armour’s really create a fun and unique setting that I’e really enjoyed for the 250 chapters I’ve read so far, while far from flawless I really enjoy it and feel that it deserves much more attention.