Crunching books, Sleeping. Rinse and Repeat
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Actually I would say more computer engineering but electrical engineering has similar applications here.
To be honest, I may have to re write a lot of this for more clarity for the readers but from the way I organized the training systems in the world is around the soul. I set it up that pure mana is harmful to the body unless used in elemental form for reinforcement, contained in the soul shell as the bodies naturally produced mana or in a type of pseudo shell which Loki senior created a few for Loki Junior in this transformation. Normally and Arcane Caster has just one giant tank but Loki senior for whatever reason set it up as multiple small ones.
Wait you were referencing chapter 1 lol, Yea he does leave it to his Girlfriend at the time.
I love the Enthusiasm
Modern Genetics or Norse mythology?
He hasn't really had time to formulate a comprehensive book on it considering his schedule. also the ideas he used to base his research on like atomic theory, modern medicine theory, and physics haven't been well explored in his new world. Besides training systems which have certain aspects of science baked into them, this world doesn't have group education. Its more like everyone has to arrive at their own conclusions through training.
no or atleast not yet anyway
Besides the sick paint job and the runic carvings, and the leather grip, its pretty accurate. Although because of Loki's preference for one handed weapons to have a free hand, its slightly smaller.
My pleasure
You are close, still in the engineering area.