


Sleepy Head ﷼

2018-02-14 JoinedAntarctica

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  • xEnvy2 years ago

    part 2 lesson, let me teach you the different between [" ", ' ', ( ), and *] (this is what I know, different author may have different uses) " " - when subject is talking, you already know this. ' ' - is when the subject is not saying anything but it is in his mind!!! ex: 'I will keep fighting and sleeping while armstrong is busy doing nothing'. ( ) - is author or translator's notes. ex: (this writer is new so idk)(IHS-International Hunter School, or is it?). and the * is the surroundings sounds. ex: the bird is loudly chirping *chirp chirp, or the car is beeping *Beep *beep.So I won't comment about the story because it is still new, so let me say something to motivate you... RELEASE MORE CHAPTERRSSSS!!!!!!

  • xEnvy2 years ago

    I'll be honest here, in this part I already forgot the name of the MC, I only remember armstrong because the name was well-known. So let me teach you about the perspectives. 1st person perspective - is when the character is using the 'I' in the paragraph. ex: I will keep fighting while sleeping. 2nd person perspective - is when the author is explaining the subject. ex: Alex will keep fighting while sleeping. 3rd person pers. - is when the other subject is talking about another subject. ex: Armstrong strongly says that "Alex will keep fighting while sleeping."

  • xEnvy2 years ago

    okay, I think you wrote the 1st and the 2nd chapter in your computer or something, because the 3rd and the 4th chapter is more mobile friendly.

  • xEnvy2 years ago
    Replied to Supreme_Slaughter

    It's 'elaborate' to explain the detail. 'abomination' is another word for a 'disaster'. but my meaning of 'abomination' is when I see something that was not pleasing to the eye, and my 'disaster' is when some bad things happen.

  • xEnvy2 years ago

    looks, confusing really... the [] or the "" (whatever you must put in that), in the system is gone. It looks like a part of the paragraph but it's not.*story is good, beginner's luck maybe, or writer's some inspiration, just like most of the novels. hope it'll last.

  • xEnvy2 years ago

    okay, since I'm bored and you're so dedicated messaging each books and every novel that you encounter or read.My tips for you is use the spacing, you pressure your readers by writing a big or a bulk paragraph.The use of spacing is to make the reading easier and to also make the chapter looks longer.and it looks intimidating(the bulk paragraphs)*PS, I may roast you and curse in the following chapters, but I will continue to read this. So please bear with me...Just like I bear with this abomination of a work. goodl luck.

  • xEnvy2 years ago

    Fvcking stupid, this was written by a child, all of the chapters wasn't complete if he didn't put some idiocy in it. Let's sink it for a while and remember that the MC is an transmigrater, who knows some, and knows what and where will it happen... but the pure idiocy of an MC who acts like a 4 years old, who wants to be always in the limelight. The utter garbage of the story including the MC and each side character and characters surrounding him. Can't they think? why do they always have to say what's always in their mind? and really? the MC was so handsome that all of the female was ready to put down their underwear when they see him... what an utter disappointment. (read some real books please. and if your ever gonna read some Chinese novels make sure you read those new novels, not those novels in the past. the novel was so shallow, and the reader can surely guess what will happen next. stop adding useless words just to lengthen your chapter.) It's your fault I throw my phone. sorrynotsorry

  • xEnvy2 years ago

    The story was good at the start, AT THE START!!! cool headed, have patience doesn't care about the world except her sister... the story goes downhill the longer it goes, and it starts when he goes stronger... I notice it when the tournament starts when Kyle Flare and Alex were fighting, his dialogue and lucas dialogue was pure idiocy. theres was no joker that was mentioned in his personality. The dragon, snake, and the phoenix were not a joked, and even if we say that he is a substitute, he should have the conscience of the original.(NO DUMB ENTITY) and not to mention JAMES that was also one of the personality which is smart, I cannot just fathom why did he become so dumb. and the latest chapters is just full of nonsense story... Maybe the author lost some of his drive and now satisfied with its downhill workss...

  • xEnvy2 years ago

    this proffesor is getting annoying.