

2018-01-24 JoinedGlobal

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  • Daoist_lazyfeet

    yeah mc, you do realized you just kissed your younger cousin who is technically twice or trice below your age. you creep.

    Alexander couldn't keep the goofy grin off his face all the way to the dining hall. When he came to the door, he swung it wide open and announced. "Good morning everyone!"
    Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • Daoist_lazyfeet

    bro, make his way of talking or his thoughts more elegant and beautiful. what vampire or gods says omg or fuckin freaks out that there are more powerful entity, he literally bacame god so how come his thoughts be so close minded. I shall drop this as of now, the MC is an idiot for a god. he isn't qualify for the position, how did he even get that power? by his origin blood or something? because I refuse to believe that his skill and mentality is qualified to become a god. he ain't even qualified for that background you gave him, a powerful underground person that is being chased by the police because who the hell in his mind think that killing himself and some officer is a good idea, can he not just use his power in the society to get out of trouble in legal terms because that is how they an evil person with evil motives works. and why does he want to go to earth anyway? does he have unfulfilled desire in there? if yes why did he kill himself and if not, the **** is he going back there for! why he made vampires again? he didn't have motives or reason why, didn't he? he can conquer it by using the elves without making them change, he can literally edit their race making them strong. why did he goes to a world with magic if he didn't even need it since I see no magic being showed when they were still in that planet. like gaddamn, he can just say a fantasy world and I can accept a world where magic doesn't exist but magical creatures exist because of different reasons. and don't even say that his blood shit storm and flying is magic because he used his imagination powers to create that, he didn't incorporate the magic in that world to what he created. and what is the point of the blood shitstorm again? for animals to berserk for no reason at all or anything. like the story mentioned it but gave no conclusion st all. why did he not want to meet the demons?? on what purpose is it for him to leave that world too early? he wasn't given a due time at all so why does he want to go to earth fast, like what?

    Ch 19 The Unknown
    God of Vampires
    Fantasy · Sitouo
  • Daoist_lazyfeet

    you know what is good for this story? him having to turn them all vampire and announce his sovereignty then disappear and let us see the struggles between the vampire and the beastkin and put out the MC or make him do something like create planets around the "main" planet and the story can create itself, you just have to write how it would proceed like if the vampires goes technological and conquer space or magical to counquer planes but still leave the MC out of the counquering because too much op is boring to READ. it is good if this was an anime or manga but as for reading you have to make it more interesting.

    Ch 13 Adventurers Guild
    God of Vampires
    Fantasy · Sitouo
  • Daoist_lazyfeet

    so a racist god I see.

    Ch 12 Planning
    God of Vampires
    Fantasy · Sitouo
  • Daoist_lazyfeet

    so he can make a literal nuke so modern earth ain't even dangerous what so ever.

    Ch 4 Race Creation
    God of Vampires
    Fantasy · Sitouo
  • Daoist_lazyfeet

    isn't a world with magic far more dangerous than the modern earth world? they literally have demons and by that the world should also have Gods and the like since if humans can hold the demons at bay there should be some powers behind them. and with that, him being absorbed by another god if he happens to meet one sincw he cant defeat that god who controlled a world where demons and magic exist.

    Ch 3 Viliria
    God of Vampires
    Fantasy · Sitouo
  • Daoist_lazyfeet

    why does she care about his humanity, he is going to become a god anyways, isn't that his purpose?

    Ch 10 Chapter 8: Love and Family (updated chapter number)
    The God of the Undead
    Games · ThatFroggyBastard
  • Daoist_lazyfeet

    lies and deceit.

    Ch 8 Q&A
    The God of the Undead
    Games · ThatFroggyBastard
  • Daoist_lazyfeet

    see, fuckin. A psychiatrist.

    Ch 7 Chapter 06: Humanity and Tragic Ends
    The God of the Undead
    Games · ThatFroggyBastard
  • Daoist_lazyfeet

    didn't like dixie. she shouldn't exist for the MC to become a true villian. it feels like she will be his psychiatrist.

    Ch 3 Chapter 03: Training Wheels on and off
    The God of the Undead
    Games · ThatFroggyBastard
  • Daoist_lazyfeet

    so why is google still running after days in the apocalypse. do they have protextor or somethin? and why is the internet usable still? I thought they all use 5g which will be destroyed due to the meteor raining down.

    Ch 8 Episode 2: It's a whole new adventure when a legend goes out the front door!
    Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse
    Fantasy · Lazy_leon