

2018-01-09 JoinedGlobal

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  • Kono_Diog_Da
    Kono_Diog_Da3 years ago

    I don't know why others gives high rating to this FF BUT to me this MCU FF is one of the most or worst FF I ever read. I endured reading till 130+chapters waiting for any Character Development yet losing some few brain cells I still didn't see any development. When I say worst I really meant it, it's not the enemy making stupid moves. MC existence ruining the whole great plot, when watching it from cinemas/movies it gives me electrifying goosebumps BUT whenever MC is involved with the Canon plot the story became PLAIN my reaction with it is just 'ah ok'. What I don't like the most MC is a plainly a SIMP, it's ok to have romance but for some reasons when I ever read his interaction with EW all I see is just SIMP.

  • Kono_Diog_Da
    Kono_Diog_Da4 years ago


  • Kono_Diog_Da
    Kono_Diog_Da4 years ago


  • Kono_Diog_Da
    Kono_Diog_Da4 years ago

    Author, Sky's the Limit. Don't stop adding until you cover the Sky with your Harem 😁

  • Kono_Diog_Da
    Kono_Diog_Da4 years ago

    Add ALL. Quintuplets are SeT, no one shall be left behind. -P.S I think someone already recommended it. I'll just say it too. PLEASE ADD CHOBITS. Robo Girls SAIKOU!

  • Kono_Diog_Da
    Kono_Diog_Da4 years ago

    Author, how Kuroinu-II? Will you extend the story to another Kuroinu Series?

  • Kono_Diog_Da
    Kono_Diog_Da4 years ago
    Replied to BLACKBULB

    OMG! how retarded can you get? you didn't even understand the comment I wrote? I just wrote 'i really want' But I didn't mean i'll do it. Me as a Middle-schooler can understand simple implications of these words even though English is my 3rd language. Yet you as an Adult failed to understand a simple word, how stupid can you get? Failed to understand and now you offer your Anus voluntarily to me? FU! I'm not sick enough to play with your Disgusting Anus. You say you're not a GAY? What kind of sick person are you for ASKING somebody to play with your Anus? If isn't GAY then what are you? A straight man with Anus Play fetish?

  • Kono_Diog_Da
    Kono_Diog_Da4 years ago
    Replied to BLACKBULB

    Fu©king Gay I have life irl. I'm busy and why would I waste my time on a gay? How I can tell that your gay? Read your own comment you Fu©king Gay. ' Come and Shove it in my Ass ' aren't you suggesting me to play with your Ass? FU! What kind of being would suggesting other's to play with their Asses?

  • Kono_Diog_Da
    Kono_Diog_Da4 years ago
    Replied to BLACKBULB

    Not only you're a Fu©king retard and Ignorant. You're also a fu©king hardcode GAY.

  • Kono_Diog_Da
    Kono_Diog_Da4 years ago
    Replied to BLACKBULB

    Fu©k you! Do you think Aria is adorable at first and Zuqing wants to be strong for MC? Bullshit! Aria is from the SYSTEM She's 100% loyal toward the MC cuz by the System Setting, p any Summoned from System are 100% loyal and She's a woman that loyalty of hers will naturally change to adoration a time passes by As for Zuqing she follow Mc first cuz she wants to be a 'Tilted Duolou' not for MC sake. Natural as time went passed by she develop fellings for MC and change her goal. As for Gu Yuena, how can you know she's not a Waifu Material? Have you read SL3? Do you know personality? Did you know that She sacrifice her own life for her love ones? Most of all, its still 1chapter in her appearance in the story. if you didn't read SL3 so STFU! You know I really want pick-up your words and shove it to your fu©king ugly @ss