Permanently in a semi-depressed state ... Sees the replies/likes inbox go over 1000 and i just say fck that im out
of reading
Read books
the thing falling is the thing in the movie. Same thing
"You are a newbie who is gonna be known worldwide soon."
... so close to the truth...
She could have also gone with, "I think he will like an original article more then a second hand rag"
should have put his hand closer to show his a true boss >.>
Sadly one was sampled by some rando before even the king got a taste lol
ontop of that... mc dragon got front legs aswell, which makes it three times as strong in aerial melee combat...
I mean, it is the one true God Kirito... sooo
another megumin has struck the goblin towers
Nah, Abby basically just wanted hugs and such