


I'm very intelligent with a high need for unknown knowledge .

2017-12-25 JoinedUnited States



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  • loskro
    Replied to House_of_Mechania

    Like the assorted mythicals

    Ch 164 Sending a message
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to loskro

    Plus it's only seven pokemon, it's not that hard right?

    Ch 164 Sending a message
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Karol_Sobkiewicz

    Hades, the Spiritomb

    Ch 164 Sending a message
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • loskro

    Bro I was all excited and stuff but it was just the wrong post 😭

    Ch 741 46: The Blank Coin
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • loskro
    Replied to JT_Todd

    yes Google Loskro, should be the first thing that pops up

    Ch 54 Chakra Armor
    Naruto-The secret sage
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Thananos

    It's like chest actually as each piece moves based on the way that chakra nature does. Also there is a king piece in the form of a "chakra" piece.

    It was sort of like checkers or chess except it was based around the five basic chakra natures and only a piece of the opposite nature could remove another piece from the game permanently. If a non-opposing element took a piece that piece came back into play after two turns. You got three of each element at the start and had to take the "chakra" piece of the opponent to win. Like in chess each element moved in a way that was specific to them and similar to how that element worked in reality.-
    Naruto-The secret sage
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to bigdaddy_chungus

    not really

    Ch 48 Author chapter(not a chapter)
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to lilspinn

    Turn into mist.

    Ability: Mistification
    Naruto-The secret sage
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to ManaZoneOfDao

    Yeah the sheep good catch, i'll fix it.

    Ch 48 Beast list(not a chapter)
    Naruto-The secret sage
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Thananos

    I don't see why not. You'd need to know how the pieces moved but otherwise creating it in reality is entirely doable with just the information I have already provided.

    It was sort of like checkers or chess except it was based around the five basic chakra natures and only a piece of the opposite nature could remove another piece from the game permanently. If a non-opposing element took a piece that piece came back into play after two turns. You got three of each element at the start and had to take the "chakra" piece of the opponent to win. Like in chess each element moved in a way that was specific to them and similar to how that element worked in reality.-
    Naruto-The secret sage
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to legionnaire

    More or less

    Grabbing the sword I covered it in cursed energy "Hells forge!" I activated my cursed technique. Under bells awestruck eyes the sword began to thin as metal flowed like it was alive away from the blade and into my left hand and then into the shape of a ka-bar dagger. The work was shoddy though since I traded precision for general shape transformation. It was an easy fix though as I downed a potion and waited till I refilled my energy to sharpen and pretty up the blades. I didn't like how they didn't look the same though and changed the sword into a larger longer version of the ka-bar knife. For extra effect I darkened both blades and the final result was two dull grey blades with a thick spine and single sharp edge.-
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to MrXmeru

    Au, there are some differences i implemented.

    I can't say I was a fan of my adventurer nickname though as it was [Black mark]. To explain how nicknames came about you needed to understand that every six months the gods got together in an event called the Denatus. During this event they discuss recent issues and otherwise socialize with each other before deciding on the aliases of any new level two adventurers or any higher leveled ones than that that need new better aliases. Unfortunately the gods had this sort of hazing tradition where they always choose an embarrassing or childish name for new level twos.-
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to prometheus

    It's because I am writing it in such a way that one chapter flows to the next smoothly. I do this so anyone who isn't reading it chapter by chapter as I release it gets a clean continuous story rather some weirdly disjointed thing where whole thoughts get cut off for no reason other than because that was the end of a chapter.

    Ch 44 Cursed tools
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Mannakin

    Yes and no. Yes he could make a binding vow that removes all the positive effects of the skill but he no can't get rid of the skill entirely since it being on the falna means it is carved permanently into his very essence. Basically a binding vow would only turn it into a true cursed skill and wasn't worth it.

    For starters my fear that I would stop being human came true as my race now read as cursed-human. I didn't feel any different despite this which was great as I still felt joy and all the other normal emotions just fine. I also didn't have any weirdly evil or depraved impulses so you know , yay. My new skill was a huge bummer though, [Vessel of Sin] was was clearly a twisted skill born from my cursed energy and fears that honestly put a huge limiter on me. That line about it being a burden was not a joke.-
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Forgont

    Gonna be honest here this entire story was full of flaws since I was still pretty new to writing so take it with a grain of salt.

    Ch 70 Dangerous woman
    Sunlight system
    Fantasy · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Luke_Lindemann

    Not really, biological immortality is never dying of age without external factors and his technique is definitely an external factor. He is however functionally immortal since he won't die of age or illness so long as he uses his technique on him.

    And I don't mean in the way he originally thought where I simply got more drops. While that was certainly a factor but my cursed technique was a veritable treasure trove because of the sheer versatility of what I had discovered it capable of through trial and error. Healing, drops, item creation, ingredient improvement, combat application and who knew how many other things it was capable of make it damn near an omnitool for any need one might have. Something like this simply didn't exist, it was unique to me alone and that was dangerous to share with others.-
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Daoistnhsnru

    Lol no

    "Wahaha! What an cheerful little fella! Thought of a name for him yet?" the old gym leader asked as he spoiled the little one with rubs and candy he just had on him for some reason. I shrugged "It's too soon to try and give him a name , you of all people aught to know that names have power and I don't want to force a name on him that doesn't suit him." I said honestly. Watson thought about it for a moment before nodding in agreement "For what I gather from the reports the little one is suited for any name really but you are right to be cautious in this matter."-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to bigdaddy_chungus

    Nah, it's pretty common for cursed techniques to have unique tattoos.

    Even more unfun for me was that my tattoos got bigger, again. This time I got some new marks on my face and arms which was just great for my self esteem let me tell you. On my face I got two black dots on my forehead that I was pretty sure represented horns. On my arms I got four new tattoos, a pair of matching black bands on my wrists and two hollow black triangles on the back of my palms. I mean the new tattoos didn't look bad at all but I wasn't a huge fan of them personally.
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Brokedepressed

    You are the only person to catch that little detail so far.

    Ch 41 Divine gaze
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Brokedepressed

    Love the enthusiasm but that's going to be a good while off if ever. However it is possible to accomplish something similar though not exactly like this.

    His magic was also not as simple as he made it appear at first glance. There was something about it that made me nervous for some reason and the things that could truly accomplish that were few. It was a beautiful manifestation of blue and black flames that I theorized might be transmutative in nature and thus dangerous for us gods. It was something only us older gods knew but with our divinities restrained in these mortal frames we were very susceptible to transmutation as while not our divine forms these bodies were tied to them.-
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro