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  • Gillmour2 months ago

    I agree, for me this fanfic is a 3, here is my review of 124 chapters. these are spoilers so please read with care First of all, I must say that the system gives too many female NPCs, I understand that it is a fantasy and all that, but really the grace of a fanfic is the original female protagonists, I would have liked the author to add more male NPCs, it feels like a fresh air every time Niu Meng appears on the scene. I also found it really awkward when Niu Meng politely greets one of the female protagonists and the protagonist looks at him as if he wanted to take his girlfriend away, I would have even liked an interaction where he talks to him and tells him that he can get a woman as long as she is not one of the ones he has signed up for his harem. Second, it is well written, but with respect to coherence is terrible, literally there are characters who already know the level of their assistants and yet they are disrespectful to people who can kill them with just thinking about it, the author makes the secondary sometimes brainless and then slap them and repeats it several times- Also, I felt that the relationships go too fast, I felt that the relationships go too fast with the main characters, he had little interaction with Yun Yun and ended up having her only with a little wine and when he had the opportunity to deepen the relationship a little more explaining why he acted in favor of Xiao Yan, he simply told her it's for your own good. Also a lot of inconsistency because of how they don't discover the protagonist's cultivation or how they don't come up with anything to take advantage, he literally gives many opportunities to the antagonists to show that he is weak and yet no one discovers it, ie literally everyone thinks he is super powerful and out of nowhere he reaches the stage where he condenses his wings, goes to fly and no one says anything even when they see him flying with wings that are repeated are of the weakest stage and that his own subordinates say they are trash stage that do not deserve to even talk to them. Third, I really liked how he slightly helps Xiao Yan, even though he takes away many opportunities (I like that, but he has such a powerful system that it really feels empty to take away Xiao Yan's opportunities), and I think (I don't remember well) several of those opportunities save Xiao Yan's life and maybe there is a contradiction in how he is still alive now, but I didn't take much notice of it. Fourth, I really liked the auction house, literally the only thing that kept me expectant, although sometimes it gets repetitive, literally Hang Feng's interactions are a copy and paste in each auction, but I still liked it. Maybe the only thing I don't like so far is that there are no consequences for the main character, he literally has thousands of points to spend and with only a thousand he can send a saint to sleep forever. I would hold it in very high esteem if the interactions with the female protagonists were better and not just a “wow how handsome, she blushes (also Gu Xun'er who is in love with Xiao Yan although I liked what the author said where he says ‘Gu Xun'er is just exploring her emotions’ but he spoils it by saying it's because the protagonist is too beautiful, if she only falls in love because of her face, but I want more depth).