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yeah...lot of harry potter fanfic have these selfless holier than thou type mc....this fic direction was good with his backgroud,the magical beast aspect,the gardening, the way he make money... but with the selfless character ruin the story for me....
rename the book to HARRY POTTER:SUPER NANNY
it's getting stupid...he's just a nanny at this point....
indecisive MC with endless monologue that just doesn't get anywhere....at first he gonna get as many girl as possible n use his system to get stronger just so he can lead a peaceful life then he cheat on his girlfriend once and start the endless self reproach n all that shit.he turn into indecisive chicken switching back n front.at times he fell they are just his girlfriends not married or something so he can cheat on them then start back endless monologue of self reproach..this is not character development just pure torture ...author mention his desire for peaceful life in lot of his endless monologue ..if he want that life should just drop out of academy,hes plenty strong already and will keep getting stronger...
mc would put his life in danger to save a college friend he didnt see for years....i realy hate this sacrificial type mc's....what next he gonna put his life on line for every member of his group... the story was good so far but this totaly kill the mood to read it...
there are in tis mess because he got arrogant n take on a s class mission without seeing what it is...N didnt he ask for one where he can cancel at will then why did parkins give him one from world council...story get worse by the chapters...
if that ANT create me n i was program to be loyal to it..
thought it was his house...she's freeloading at his house, eating his food N ordering him around...MC is too much of MR.nice guy...
but the problem is we dont know his inner thought......all i can see is a knight in white armor with hero complex who go around saving people and helping people and all...its not anti hero..just a saint....if the MC has a scheme n not helping out of kindness of his heart at least let the readers know give him a inner monologue or something...u will lose a lot of readers by keeping it as a suspense to reveal later....
the storys gettin worse...dumb mc...he dont want to get involve the get involve without planning anything just to get screew right over...he point to harry that peter is in the map N then when he bring lupin with him using the map he act shock how they got there...finally gettin rid of this werewolf thing now theres a spirit in his head or soul rent free...I like to read HP fanfic n tis novel despite the grammar worse than MT translate i enjoy the beginning but now......hard to support the author when hes butchering his own story......