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His Chakra should have increased a lot already, since Bijuu chakra keeps rolling in. Makes no sense that his Chakra has not increased anyway if his physical stats and intelligence have increased, since that's basically chakra.
His attributes do not increase through training?
This story could be much better if you had someone go over and beta it so it doesn't look like a machine translation. --------------------------
Unlikeable character who wants to be the power behind the scenes, is chuuni as hell, tries and fails at being chaotic neutral, and grammar that is really bad. Not worth reading.
How hard can it be? He - El She - Ella If you are writing in Spanish and translating to English, follow this rule
The MC has powers which disappear every few chapters, there is no consistency whatsoever, there are random names who belong to no character in some chapters and it looks as if the order of the paragraphs is disjointed some way as sometimes you have to read the whole chapter to make sense of the structure of the sentences, not recommended. Nothing against the translator as their other stories are better, but this one? Poor story
That looks so generic, is he also from a single parent household whose father went out to buy milk and never returned?
Paperbacks used to be between 5 to 9 dollars in the 90s from what I remember.
A character living in a world in which there is the internet and porn and he doesn't know how a pussy looks.... I might understand being a virgin and never having kissed, but the character is an idiot.