Just chilling and reading I would love any recommendations
of reading
Read books
This should be kg not lb
adult black bear isnt that bad atleast it isnt a pack animal
A wood chopping knife is like a thick machete so its pretty comparable
maybe something similar to serfs or endentured servants
Its still metamorphising
He said out of millions only 4-5 survive so out of all the ants that fly out only 4-5 are as as good as his current ant so no this ant is worth helping along in its most critical phase its not even like hes weakening the queen its just a single worker ant that will have many more changlenges in the future
Even if he cant feed her directly he could atleast feed the young ant who would then feed her
Wtf is he doing with all the wood he has practiced it 6730 times he should be selling firewood or something
She’s not even an offical shes just a retired merchants daughter so they arent even that different