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2017-11-25 JoinedSweden

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  • Lord_Sammael
    Lord_Sammael3 years ago

    Disclaimer: this is my own personal opinion of this "novel" (your own milage may wary). Well where to begin... First of all someone get this MC in to protective custody cause there's some serious domestic abuse going on here. Second issue is the grammar. Not sure if English is the authors second language, but I'm betting it is. Well to be fair the chapters are legible, but the word structuring tells me the author doesn't have a clear grasp of proper English grammar. Which is unfortunate and therefore lowers the writing quality grade. Thirdly the plot armor is so thick you can use it to build a castle with it. This is also compounded by the fact that the MC does not have any quality that speaks to me as a reader. He is a pathetic weak spineless nobody only there to make the side characters more interesting. There are interesting things about this novel to be sure. If the novel was about Silva or Klea as the MC I would probably gave found it to be more interesting, but alas... This is what I am stuck with. writing quality 1/5 story development 2/5 (slow isn't always the best) character design 2/5 (mainly side characters carrying this one) updating stability 3/5 world background 3/5 (interesting premise but loses out because of the MC)

  • Lord_Sammael
    Lord_Sammael3 years ago

    Well I saw this coming a mile off. wasn't sure what I was expecting but now I'm expecting the plot armor to be thick af. Would have been more convincing if his spirit power had been really high.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
  • Lord_Sammael
    Lord_Sammael3 years ago

    oooh epic merch.... niiiiice

  • Lord_Sammael
    Lord_Sammael3 years ago

    didn't see this chapter on the website. was a bit surprised, not that I'm complaining about new chapters.

  • Lord_Sammael
    Lord_Sammael4 years ago

    This is one of few novels I can recommend. I only have two gripes: The grammar needs work and there aren't enough chapters to read avaliable. on a serious note though, the grammar needs work. It is not terrible and is readable but could be improved. I like the mystery element of the novel. How did the MC end up transmigrating to the ship? What is actually going on? Who is the hidden enemy? Lastly I was not expecting the relationship with Alexis to go the way it did, but as Palpatine says: "A surprise to be sure but a welcome one" anyway to end my review I can say this is one of the better novels on here... for now (as of chapter 93) depends on where the author takes it from here.

  • Lord_Sammael
    Lord_Sammael4 years ago

    I like the premise and the world building. though the MC unfortunately is very 2 dimensional. He doesn't really grow as a person and has the emotional spectrum of an eggplant throughout the story. He acts like he's still a player or an observer if you will. Even his eventual relationship with a certain character is told as an aside. Though I can probably chalk this up as the limit of the authors writing skill. Supporting characters are good and some of them are even quite good. Lastly I felt the ending was rather weak. But overall this novel is a decent read.

  • Lord_Sammael
    Lord_Sammael4 years ago

    no pressure ein. If you need to rest, take a rest. We shall wait.

  • Lord_Sammael
    Lord_Sammael4 years ago

    hope you get better soon