the ultimate support system
xiao tang is a girl who had a very unfortunate life.
when she was 4 her parents died and she was adopted by her mums sister, who hated her. her aunt was also the one who named her xiao tang (which ment little soup). xiao tang hated her name and would often get bullied at school for it. Due to the harrasment she recieved when she was a child xiao tang started adopting kids when she was 20 and named them wierd things like : silly fan, wierd pineapple ect. to make them experiance what she went through as a kid. coincidently one of the children she named (ugly spoon) was the 'protaganist' of her world.
You see, xiao tang was a 'glitch' in the world/story, and since she named the protaganist ugly spoon, he wouldnt have grown up to be the fearsome CEO he was supposed to be ( no one took him seriously). causing the world to be in unblance.
Seeing the damage she caused the creator of the story/world cursed her with the ultimate support system,and making her be a cannon fodder forever and make her help the protaganists in other stories.