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The description has my attention. Very belly Interesting………………:..:..:….;..:.:::,,(5(:;))!(;()$$’hdsxxssss Uuhhbbbjjn nhhbbhjjjhhhhhhhjhjhnnn Jjkmmmujjnnhjhb
Ehhh sounds like the show “Alone” boooo
Not bad!! At least better than those trash lately I. I J Jjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkbjunbhjjnbbhhjjnnn
shura wrath bruh I feel old now thinking about it. 😂
so far so good. I like how he treats his pet but I don't know how I feel about the world building so far since it's early. not hoping for the best, only mediocre
sweetest dream.bsby
WBMA is good but not certainly a gem. I do agreed for the other qualities you mentioned tho